I've been crushing on a girl at work for about a year now. We've been hanging out more lately and the other night we hung out all night. She, Mike, Jim and Bobby were over for some drinks. Jim and Mike had to leave early but the three of us sat up bullshitting for a while. Then, after Bobby left, Her and I sat in my chair, she leaned on me and we talked and carressed for another couple of hours. When we got tired we both went into my room and went to bed. It was nice to sleep with somebody in my arms. I rubbed her warm soft skin for a while after she went to sleep. I'd like to be able to say we did more but I was satisfied.
In other news I did mushrooms the next night. Yet another very enlightening action. I always have a new perspective on life after a night of mushrooms.
In other news I did mushrooms the next night. Yet another very enlightening action. I always have a new perspective on life after a night of mushrooms.