w00t, party night. Just home from work gonna shower soon. Once midnight comes arround its Tanqueray thursday. But I'm Partying with the people from work again. I gotta stop working so much. I need to meet some friends outside of work. I need to meet a girl outside of work. I need some tender viddles. But until then I'll bide my time cuddling Cedrick and...
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So I've been noticing fall has just begun, the clouds are back and we have been shivering at night. This is always the slowest part of the year for me. especially with nobody to keep me warm. I do have my kittie but its not the same. Well I guess I'm just gonna throw on some modest mouse and read.
I love it here. I love taking photos, here the landskape is so beautiful.
"Life is a 'B' movie y'know its stupid and its strange.
It's a directionles storie and the dialogue is lame.
But in the he-said-she-said sometimes theres some poetry.
If you turn your back on it and let it happen naturally."
-Ani Difranco
Got bored so I edited and uploaded some pics I've taken in Oregon. All but one are in 20 min driving distance. I love it here, Oregon is the most beautiful place I've ever lived.
well my kitty becons so I must go.
YAY for me. I'm on day four of five days off in a row. I'm loveing every minute of it. Went to an SCA event up north for the first three days. It was great. And now I think I'm gonna sit arround and be lazy the next couple of days.
Blegh, another 60 hour work-week. That on top of partying, as opposed to sleeping, every night has made me one dead duck. I keep telling myself I need to post a pic of me which doesn't make me look like a drunk idiot. But I can't find one.
Lately I've been getting close to a friend from work. One night last week we got really...
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we went to the illinois river today. its been way fun. I've been Crushing on a girl from work. I'll know tonight if she digss me.
wow, over two months here and my only friend is a cat.
Hey hows it going?
so what are y'all up to?
Cant sleep. Got a couple new pictures posted. Its been three days and I've seen about four hours of the insides of my eyelids. Half because i've just had shit to do. Half because I feel like shit. I've been so lonely lately. I want to wake up holding somebody other than Ollie or Cedrick.