Wow it's been a bit since I posted. I've been having a hard time lately. The love of my life died recently. Ollie I mean. Also my chinchilla died about 2 weeks prior. I shaved my goatie ad my pink mohawk off to start a new job and ended up not getting it. On an upside I got a bitchin' new place. It's a two...
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Life is being a big crapper for me. Hopefully things will start getting better.
Thanks for the set comment!

TThanks for the comment on my set 

I'm back! YAY! At least for one year today. I'll be writing more soon. later
i suppose i agree regarding the valley. it seems the are is polluted in places, but i think my opinions have been soured by experience. i will miss the sunsets, and the deer, alpaca, wild peacocks on my way to work. i agree with you, and this place doesn't feel like any other town i've lived in so far. so, in conclusion, WORD.

I've been crushing on a girl at work for about a year now. We've been hanging out more lately and the other night we hung out all night. She, Mike, Jim and Bobby were over for some drinks. Jim and Mike had to leave early but the three of us sat up bullshitting for a while. Then, after Bobby left, Her and I sat in...
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Pretty uneventful day. I did go cash in my change jar. $219.46 I've also been saving money like mad. I don't know how. I probably forgot to pay my bills...whoops. I hope I have saved enough money to put a down payment on a Vespa. I'll know early next week. I'm gonna blow my whole paycheck on it. I'm gonna be a broke motherfucker for...
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"And remember ladies, it seats two."
Not sure if that line's going to work.
Not sure if that line's going to work.
Sorry no tips on beard growth.
Ack! My mama got in a car accident yesterday. She is okay, kinda hurt her arm. Her Jimmy is totaled however. It's rather difficult to type with my cat like this so I'll stop.
Another late night with an early morning. I wish I could just sleep the whole night through. I don't know what's up. I think I just think too much. Maybe it's another one of gods fucking jokes. Well it's not funny.
I'm moving soon. I love my town and I love my mountains, but I have to get out for a bit and do something...
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I'm moving soon. I love my town and I love my mountains, but I have to get out for a bit and do something...
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The story of the drunk girl happened at Apple Bees.
Where are you moving to?
Where are you moving to?
Man I really don't have much to say. Life is life.
So I've been following a set of rules which make life no fun. I quit smoking(cigs) I quit drinking coffee. I cut out a lot of booze, shit, I even have a fucking bed time now! If this is what livin is about I wanna live fast and die young. Yeah, so, thats what I've been doing lately. Living the life up is complete fucking...
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Hey at least you've got the supper bowl coming up.That should be a packed house.
Its down at the Firehouse my shit should be at the rear exit.
Its down at the Firehouse my shit should be at the rear exit.
So I had a minor heart failure at work the other day, passed out on top of(breaking) 75 bar glasses, finally goin' 'bonk' on the head. Went to the docter today and he said I need to cut out a few habits before I snuff it with a major heart attack. So, I'm having some trouble right now. I quit smoking and drinking coffee. I...
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Thanks for teh encouragement towards going red. I'll have to post a pic when I do it.
You are so young to be having heart problems, does it run in your family?
You are so young to be having heart problems, does it run in your family?
What are you doing this friday night? I may have some art on display and no one to hang out with.
What a fuckin week?!?! I've been real depressed and down lately and then yesterday I got some shitty shitty news. I was out in the mountains the other day with my friend blake and the car broke down. after pushing it uphil for 1/2-3/4 mile then coasting maybe 4 miles down the other side. we got a ride from a guy who lived out there....
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Well I had two days off in a row. how about that. Ive had an exciting week. I did mushrooms with my friend. It was his first time and we each ate something like three 8ths it was a very fun strange trip. We watched the Yellow Submarine and the Hobbit cartoon. I was going to go to Vegas for newyears. But the flood kept...
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OMG... we tried to kayak in Bear Creek, but then 5-0 rolled up and we had to get out.... fucking safety.
I'm going to study journalism and graphic design in school, btw. Funny thing, the girl issue you're having is like the boy issue I'm having! I guess we girls and you boys aren't so different after all....
hooray for vacuums!
I'm going to study journalism and graphic design in school, btw. Funny thing, the girl issue you're having is like the boy issue I'm having! I guess we girls and you boys aren't so different after all....
hooray for vacuums!