Despite everything going on lately I surprisingly was hit with a spark if motivation, creativity, and inspiration. I got to working on a new track and it really started to take off. To add to the good fortune, I managed to get my iMac up and running, which had essentially been down for the past 19 months. Now my iMac is my dedicated music production station, and everything runs smoothly! Plus I purchased some studio monitor headphones to mix and master with (as actual monitors are much too pricey for me now), and they're great!
So I've been working on a new track, and I'm really happy about the progress I've made, not only on the song, but as a producer. Everything's coming more naturally to me, and the process isn't as grueling and intimidating as it once was. I'm looking forward to the day I can call myself a musician, with a spiffy name, dedicated social media pages, and (I can only hope for) fans!
Here's the track so far. It's still a work in progress (WIP), so the mixing isn't complete, it remains unmastered, and the song itself isn't finished; I've still got about another 30-60 seconds I'd like to add. I really hope you like it!