Happy Halloween to you all!
What did you all do? Hopefully something incredibly fun. Usually I'm out at a party with friends, dressed up, the whole shebang. Being extremely single and having no friends here made that impossible this year. So plans were a little different this time around. After leaving work later than we should have (because of subordinates that can't follow extremely simple orders to accomplish extremely minor tasks), I rushed to the gym to get an incomplete workout in. From there I rushed to a few stores in search of a pumpkin carving kit. I had a pumpkin waiting to be carved up, but without a kit it takes forever, and I didn't have proper time. Finally, after getting home much later than I wanted to, I put on a FanEdit of Rob Zombie's 2007 remake of Halloween, and got to carving. As I've been doing for several years now, I cut mine up to look like the jack o' lantern in the opening credits of the original Halloween from 1978.
Here it is cut up and in the kitchen.
This is what it looks like in front of my house.
And here's the title card from the opening credits of Halloween.
The slice from the nose to the mouth was intentional, as it was on the original pumpkin. Can't miss the small details.
After I set that little guy out front, I received a single knock from what sounded like three very eager little trick-or-treaters. Sadly for them I had no candy to hand out (hey, times is hard), so I ignored their calls and continued to pack my rucksack for work. After that I cooked a three meat frozen pizza that I ate the shit out of while finishing up the Halloween movie. Feeling safe from any further trick-or-treaters' knocks, I turned on some lights and watched CinemaSins' teardown of the movie I just watched. Watch for yourself.
Now it's time to get some Batman: Arkham Origins in before I fall fast asleep. Here's to hoping my super celebrity crush Danielle Harris tweets me back (I had to show her my jack o' lantern).
Good gawd I wish she'd just marry me already.
And on that note, some witch house for you to go to sleep to.