I think Sunday went and said some shit to Monday. 'Cause wow.... yesterday was lame, but today was garbage. Why? Oh, you know, work. I hate so much about my job, and Mondays are almost always the worst. If Monday was a person, we'd fight every day after Sunday. Like, first thing when the sun comes up. Full fledged fisticuffs, with a crowd and everything. And everyone would be cheering me on, because everyone else pretty much hates Monday as much as I do.
I mean... for fuck's sake... there's a tumblr dedicated to telling Monday to get bent and go fuck itself. It's nothing impressive, but it's the message that counts: Fuck you, Monday.
Tuesday... yeah, you. Hey man, look. Please, don't be a dick. I don't want shit to get so bad I'm buying beer at a gas station on the way home from work just to make it through the night at the end of the day. I don't need that shit. So be cool, alright? We're in this together. Let's just get through it and we'll be decent friends when it's all said & done.
Or not. You can be a fuckbag if you like. And then I'll just pee in your shoes.