I may be reaching here, but sometimes I think I hate Sundays more than Mondays. It's a weekend day that constantly reminds you, "Hey buddy. You know you gotta go back to work tomorrow, right? And you remember those people there you hate that make you miserable? Yeah, you gotta deal with 'em in less than 24 hours. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Fuck you Sunday. Right up your tight, rusty asshole.
It was a day of work around the house, gym time, and more Dead Island. Ichi was nappin' by his dad while he was killin' some zombies earlier.
So, back to my PS3, until I need to eat dinner, then more PS3, then a very late casein shake, teeth brushing/flossing, and off to bed it will be. Here's looking to Monday.
Hey Sunday, did I tell you "Fuck you" already? I did? Oh. Well, fuck you again.