As I make my way to bed, I post an entry. The SAVE MY PROFILE button got fixed, so now clicking on my nifty VITAL STATS button fills you in on all kinds of fill-in-the-blank information about me. Goody gumdrops.
I'm a huge fan of movie (and video game) scores. In fact, both the first cassette tape and CD I owned were scores to Home Alone 2 and Sonic The Hedgehog, respectively. Lately I've had the Gravity score going on and on, but now it's the score/soundtrack to Only God Forgives. Both are amazing in their own ways, so if you're into that kind of stuff I highly recommend both!
Well, damn. It's too late to even try to start the new video game I picked up today. I was at a Hastings and on a total whim bought Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut. I knew nothing about it when I got it, but it's supposed to be an amazing game. I spent too much time rearranging my bookcase, and pulling movies, books, and video games that I no longer want from their shelves. And, of course, perusing SG. Now it's well after midnight and I can only put a shitty horror movie on Netflix on and fall asleep to it. I think I'll pick the one I used last night, the one with the movie cover of a chick in a Nazi jacket and hat on, but I think she's supposed to be a zombie or something. No matter; I'm gonna fall asleep to it anyway.
And so, with that, I bid you all good night, sweet dreams, and a hopefully wonderful tomorrow.