Sarah Vaughn, the writer of the comic ALEX + ADA, posted this on her Tumblr the other day. It hit me in the chest like a sledgehammer. I couldn't thank her enough for making it.


My story begins eight and a half years ago in late 2005, when I left the States for 12 month deployment to Baghdad. At the time I was dating a girl named "Lana," whom at the time was the girl I had dated the longest. Three weeks into my 12 month deployment and she already got jittery. Five weeks later I go home on leave...
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All I can say after reading all this is that you're the one who deserves someone better....

So I plan on putting music off to the side tonight because I really need to get my "story" and emotions out. I plan on writing a very long blog entry tonight telling all so that maybe I can get some feedback, or more importantly some solidarity, maybe even some new friends.

In the mean time... any single SGs interested in talking with me and...
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Sorry it's ruff dude. 

It took no more than about two and a half weeks for everything good I had going for me to fall apart after I left for Germany. This is a pattern in my life: give up everything important to me for the Army. I'm always gone, and when I'm gone I lose what I love most. And I'm tired of it. In fact, while I...
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Well, Jasmine couldn't handle the separation.  I surmise from everything that it led to insecurity taking her over.  Now she's "single" living with a "friend" who she is obviously sleeping with and has much more going on than friendship.  All this after she tells me she wants us to be friends because she has a pattern of jumping into a new relationship as soon as one ends.  However, this happened... RIGHT after breaking up with me.  She's not labeling it a relationship.  But... if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.... well, it's a duck.
Simply put, @arroia, my life happened.

So, I FINALLY came up with an artist name that wasn't taken! ZoneKiller It's a reference to Cronenberg's Videodrome. Anyway, I've got my SoundCloud all changed up and a new Facebook Artist page! They're both babies, newborns really. Low on content. But I'm just beginning! So if you're into synthwave ('80s inspired retro-future electro style music) come and like my pages, follow me, the
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Despite everything going on lately I surprisingly was hit with a spark if motivation, creativity, and inspiration. I got to working on a new track and it really started to take off. To add to the good fortune, I managed to get my iMac up and running, which had essentially been down for the past 19 months. Now my iMac is my dedicated music production...
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Active shooter on post today. Locked down for about five hours. Details on news. Just haven't seen anyone talking about it on here.


It's been a hot minute. I haven't posted anything here for a while, not since my lamentation of SG days past that I hardly knew. I haven't even given my personal website any love since the new year.

Truth is I've been pretty preoccupied. The last couple of weeks in December and the first week in January had me eyeball deep in music. You see,...
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Good luck with our competition... even though the music is not my cup of tea. Earl Grey... now that is a cup of tea.
I prefer lemongrass green tea.  😁

Yeah. Zero minutes ago. I posted again in the thread "Do You Use SG More Or Less Than You Used To?" Nothing new. I just felt like regurgitating my frustrations in a Twitter-esque pile of brevity at the bottom of the comments, as I'd only 10 days ago let out how I really feel in many more words.

Best decision ever? That's what I thought
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It's funny you said that, @pyromethious. I almost made a soda reference myself. But I agree with you.
I've felt kind of bored with it since most of my friends (whom I used to talk to regularly) left en masse. None of them liked the site change. I told myself that I wouldn't leave just because of a change, and just because they all did it. But it doesn't feel like a place where one can make friends, anymore. There are only a few people keeping me here; you said it perfectly. It's a 180 from what it used to be, but I remember feeling bad things brewing when they implemented the Member-Review system, way back when.  It feels a lot like Twitter... ugh.

I wrote a pretty lengthy blog entry about this whole Justine Sacco mess.

I suggest you read it on my personal website.

Here's a direct link to the entry.