Good evening guys! 💗 I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday!
I wanted to write today's blog on the 12/1 homework assignment from @rambo and @missy I know I'm skipping back a few but I am very grateful for this to be a topic as there is so much going on all over the world this past year, from endless devastating forest fires across the west coast of America to people's basic rights being ripped away with selfish oppression and a signature.
As you probably are aware, a couple months ago Puerto Rico was hit by category 5 hurricane Maria, leaving the island almost completely leveled, leaving thousands of families without homes and over 500 lives lost. Even now months later parts of the island STILL have NOT had ANY sort of help.
Black flag search and rescue is a team currently with boots on the ground in Puerto Rico daily working to rescue families, rebuild homes, distributing food, and absolutely anything in between that will help in any way. Currently they are pulling together space for more volunteers to be able to come help as well.
Black Flag Rescue may not be a "charity" but is a group of incredible people giving their all to help in every way they possibly can.