It's been raining. Which in general I support, but in specific annoys since it's making it hard to enjoy riding the motorcycle.
More Blogs
Thursday May 13, 2010
My Grandmother passed away last week and we went to the funeral yeste… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
I had to go to Anaheim for work last week, and decided to ride my mot… -
Thursday Oct 29, 2009
My little brother is safely married. The wedding was beautiful. The d… -
Saturday Oct 03, 2009
Brother is getting married in a few weeks. So many things to do, so l… -
Friday Sep 18, 2009
Track day on the Motorcycle was amazing. It was tons of fun, I'm real… -
Sunday Sep 06, 2009
I've been enjoying the 3 day weekend. Staying busy with everything in… -
Monday Jul 20, 2009
I'm back from NYC... and once again I need a week off to recover! Th… -
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
I think I'm still recovering from Man-a-poolooza this weekend... Br… -
Friday May 29, 2009
Been so F'n busy lately. Fashion Show, Lobby Day in Sac, Graduation.… -
Monday May 11, 2009
The BMW hates me. Or something. Some idiot backed into it in the pa…