Hi, I'm Paul. By day, I'm a professional nerd. No, I won't fix your computer. I do not do windoze. Unix only (including Macs). Sorry. The last computer I worked on cost $700,000, so don't think I'm going to waste time with your little virus problem. You shouldn't be running windoze anyways.
By night, a struggling musician. You've heard the story a million times so what makes me different? Is it because I honestly believe I will make it? Yes, that's part of it. Unlike most musicians though, I am classically trained AND have a pretty good inkling of business. I'm not afraid to don a suit and shake some hands, and that doesn't make me a sell out. What a true sell out is is someone who will CHANGE THEIR MUSIC to make it sell. I will NEVER do that.
I'll talk more once we get something ready to show, but that's probably near the end of '09. Enough of me though. I want to see some girls.
By night, a struggling musician. You've heard the story a million times so what makes me different? Is it because I honestly believe I will make it? Yes, that's part of it. Unlike most musicians though, I am classically trained AND have a pretty good inkling of business. I'm not afraid to don a suit and shake some hands, and that doesn't make me a sell out. What a true sell out is is someone who will CHANGE THEIR MUSIC to make it sell. I will NEVER do that.
I'll talk more once we get something ready to show, but that's probably near the end of '09. Enough of me though. I want to see some girls.

I've also heard that not everyone locks their doors. I miss that. When I lived in Texas, nobody locked their doors. Our neighbors all looked out for each other. Plus of course everyone had guns. Miss that place too, but the job situation there sucked (as did the weather).
Let me know when you post more of your outdoor photo shoots. I'd love to check them out.