Saturday Nov 20, 2004 Nov 20, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Some days all I want to do is watch her sleep... she represents everything that is good in life, even when she is being bad VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS d0bermann: Hey. I hope you dont mind me snooping around in your pic folder. My friend Krabuki told me to drop by. Mine passed away last year, I have some pictures of her in my folder. As you can probably tell I love dobeys. Nov 23, 2004 illbillzillbub: nice doggie Nov 23, 2004
I hope you dont mind me snooping around in your pic folder.
My friend Krabuki told me to drop by.
Mine passed away last year, I have some pictures of her in my folder.
As you can probably tell I love dobeys.