Hi folks!
Today I want to promote my two favourite Hopefuls because they are incredibly pretty and shot really awesome and creative sets that deserve to be on front page.
I hope they'll be pink, soon.
LucySky with her set Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride!
It's a homage to Hunter S. Thompson and a perfect tribute to 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' - so perfectly detailed and such a great idea! Go and leave her some love ♥

Nietzsche with her set Phantasmagoria!
It's a high class horror/nightmare set, very clean but oh so intense. Really creative and perfectly caught by Alissa. Go and leave this beautiful girl some love ♥

I want to see these ladies pink as soon as possible, so keep on commenting on their sets, they both deserve it.
Oh, and I'd like to introduce you to Godzilla, my turtle.
She is not new at my place but I never got cool pictures of her until last week.
Say 'hi' to Godzilla

I go to sleep now, I've been really hardworking today and I wanna be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - and so on.
Because otherwise I won't get my diploma and that'd be expensive. And it would suck balls.
Keep your fingers crossed that I make it, I'm really bad in time, but hey - I never got anything done without a whole lot of last minute panic
Gn8 SG
Today I want to promote my two favourite Hopefuls because they are incredibly pretty and shot really awesome and creative sets that deserve to be on front page.
I hope they'll be pink, soon.
LucySky with her set Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride!
It's a homage to Hunter S. Thompson and a perfect tribute to 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' - so perfectly detailed and such a great idea! Go and leave her some love ♥

Nietzsche with her set Phantasmagoria!
It's a high class horror/nightmare set, very clean but oh so intense. Really creative and perfectly caught by Alissa. Go and leave this beautiful girl some love ♥

I want to see these ladies pink as soon as possible, so keep on commenting on their sets, they both deserve it.
Oh, and I'd like to introduce you to Godzilla, my turtle.
She is not new at my place but I never got cool pictures of her until last week.
Say 'hi' to Godzilla

I go to sleep now, I've been really hardworking today and I wanna be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - and so on.
Because otherwise I won't get my diploma and that'd be expensive. And it would suck balls.
Keep your fingers crossed that I make it, I'm really bad in time, but hey - I never got anything done without a whole lot of last minute panic

Gn8 SG

And your turtle is awesome! I love turtles, one of my really close friends had an African Spurred Tortoise. He was so kewl, he would follow you around like a dog to get pet and when you did pet him he would stick his neck way out so you could scratch it.... he was so awesome and HUGE!! He got so big my friend had to donate him to the zoo lol!