Just not to let so much time pass by until my next longer blog, I show you some outtakes from my upcoming set. (by the way, the member review date has changed because now 3 Hopeful sets a day go up: No Time To Sew Queued for: Sep 30 @ 4pm 

Just keep your nipples awake

We had loads of fun
The beautiful make up artist is miez ♥
Now I'm starting with some university work, it's sunday early evening and the last day of summer holidays. Not that I could have started earlier.
Have a nice evening everyone

Just keep your nipples awake

We had loads of fun

The beautiful make up artist is miez ♥
Now I'm starting with some university work, it's sunday early evening and the last day of summer holidays. Not that I could have started earlier.

Have a nice evening everyone

aso ja
da is mein account abgelaufen glaub ich... wei es nich so ganz 
