My beloved old computer felt lonely and said "You've been away so long, I'm sad, so I will not start up anymore!

But luckily I convinced him to start even so.
Oh my god, I have no idea where to start. This week was simply amazing. Iam still completely overwhelmed by all these lovely people I met, everybody was so amazing.
I think this was part of the best times in my life.
I'd like to quote a part of miez' blog, that describes very well what I experienced:
new city, [...] new friends, new people, new metal...
too much alcohol, too much sex, too much bruises...
I would add: I had no sex at least, but there was loads of sex everywhere
Amazing exotic food, colorful lights and fun, fun, fun.
While I am writing these lines, the uploader loads and loads and nothing really happens. I don't know if the ZIP file is maybe too large or what, we will see. Otherwise I will upload them seperately.
Let's start with the Fotoautomaten-Bilder:
Left: Okay, as you see, 7 (drunk) people are difficult to get into that tiny cabin. You can see (or not) Turbulence, miez, hektikproductions (Kai and Maaacel), fish who is not at SG, Creide and myself.
Middle: 5 people is as much fun as 7, but a bit more comfy. You can see hektikproductions (Kai and Maaacel), miez, fish and myself. We all wonderes how it worked that in the 1st photo I am in the upper left corner and in the last photo in the lower right one. But who cares, it was fun
Right: miez and I doing shit, kisses and boobies. Very comfy and very much fun. miez , I miss you and your kisses were awesom
Okay, while I am still waiting for the pictures to be uploaded, I can tell you what I did in Berlin.
I shot to new awesome sets for SG.
Yes I did
One on the 2nd day after my arrival with the boys from hektikproductions, who already shot my first set Field Goal. We wanted to work with the Berliner Mauer but what we found was not what we expected, so we had to look for an alternative place. And we found.
A rusty train bridge, very weird architecture, somehow futuristic - and nice because we saw a bit of an amazing sunset
The other one with the amazing and beautiful and out-and-out lovely Temper who found some time to meet and shoot me - thank you honey, ich wnschte wir htten noch viel mehr Zeit zum rumalbern und silly sein gehabt, aber next time, hoffe ich
(Sorry to you who don't speak German but I had to say that )
Horace was awesome, he tried to steal my bondage latex tape - he looked so cute when he put his nose into the spool and looked like he wants to say "What? I do nothing, dunno whatcha mean eh?!"
Too sad that we took no picture of that
What else? Mh, got my pussy pierced two times. It's awesome, but no pictures yet
Was a piercing orgy with miez and fish. Much new metal <3
Temper shaved my head to give me the perfect "Iro-Kurve"
I love it
Well, still trying to upload. Nothing changed.
To all the girlz'n'boyz who have been in Berlin: if you are not happy with one or more pictures of you, please tell me and I will delete them (they are friends only, just to tell you). I have made no choice, in the album is EVERYTHING my camera shot
Mh. I will stop here and edit this blog if I got the picture thing done
That's what I found in the other girls' Photos
Abbiss & I
Denie & I
Tinka & I
edit: The pictures have arrived! You can have a look over here: Extreme Berlin RockaZ!
Oh ladies, I miss you so so much *sigh*
Thank you for this wonderful time
Trielu (who I met just for a few minutes while crossing the street and not knowing who she was
And last but not least: so sad that I could not have met Dwam and Nemesis who were shooting awesome things while the hektik-BBQ - so here are some extra kisses for you
And all those who I forgot: so sorry, my memory for names is bad as fuck - tell me and I will add you to my list
lovelovelove <3
Your pictures are really great!
Look forward to the next set, and know I'm jealous as fuck you got to meet & shoot with Temper