Good day everyone 
I'm so sorry for not writing more often this times, but I work much and one of my men is in hospital, so I spend most of my spare free time with him, hopefully he gets well, soon.
At school we do bookbinding at the moment, it's really fun, but also really complex. And expensive.
I already did a green and violet file (Din A4) and next will be for Din A3 with my beautiful Alice in Wonderland fabric
I will show you both at the weekend or so
Yesterday my mommy has visited me in cologne, she came from Dortmund just to see my new apartment and my roomie and so <3
She is gorgeous, I love her that much.
We went outside and she phoned a lot with her new wanted-man (he is married afaik but wants the divorce, don't know) - and she behaves a bit like a teenie - pretty cute
She brought her doggy (his name is Mickey but most time we call him Puffel

And this is my mom - you can see what happens if you let your camera in automatic mode - jar sharpened, mother not

Better, but not perfect:

I think I will go to Berlin next month and shoot two new sets. One with the awesome Temper and another one with the boys from hektikproductions.
Concerning this I wanted you to remember of my first set Field Goal - maybe you go and give some more love to it

That's all for the moment, gotta work in an hour
Have a nice day

I'm so sorry for not writing more often this times, but I work much and one of my men is in hospital, so I spend most of my spare free time with him, hopefully he gets well, soon.
At school we do bookbinding at the moment, it's really fun, but also really complex. And expensive.
I already did a green and violet file (Din A4) and next will be for Din A3 with my beautiful Alice in Wonderland fabric

I will show you both at the weekend or so

Yesterday my mommy has visited me in cologne, she came from Dortmund just to see my new apartment and my roomie and so <3
She is gorgeous, I love her that much.
We went outside and she phoned a lot with her new wanted-man (he is married afaik but wants the divorce, don't know) - and she behaves a bit like a teenie - pretty cute

She brought her doggy (his name is Mickey but most time we call him Puffel

And this is my mom - you can see what happens if you let your camera in automatic mode - jar sharpened, mother not

Better, but not perfect:

I think I will go to Berlin next month and shoot two new sets. One with the awesome Temper and another one with the boys from hektikproductions.
Concerning this I wanted you to remember of my first set Field Goal - maybe you go and give some more love to it

That's all for the moment, gotta work in an hour

Have a nice day

Wir waren die letzten paar Jahre regelmig in unserem Hochzeitshotel, aber nachdem der dortige Hoteldirektor gegangen ist, gings da steil bergab. Und jetzt ist er in DIESEM Hotel, was fr ein Glcksgriff.
Oh, du hattest ja auch nen neuen blog.
Ohhhh will auch nach Berlin!! Hmm naja, aber ich kann ja nicht stndig wegfahren.
Wann sieht man eigentlich mal Klamotten / Entwrfe die du gemacht hast?