me so tired :/
Do not want to go out in this ice cold, snowy world just to have BWL-lesson.
Hm, what is BWL in English? Let's ask leo.dict - business studies?! Sounds good. Better than Betriebswirtschaftslehre
I hope my car will do its job, last time when it stood three days unused, it would not start.
I do not feel really well again, some of you knew I was ill since wednesday last week and lay in bed the whole weekend, drinking tea and inhaling camomile
Just want to stay here and flausch in my bed
(leo.dict says "der Flausch" could be coating, fearnought or fleece, but in German we use it as a verb, means something like to cuddle.)
Oh noes, a look out the window makes me even more uncomfortable, really big snowflakes are falling down - I freeze just when seeing it - argh
HELP PLEASE, who can bring the summer back? :/
me so tired :/
Do not want to go out in this ice cold, snowy world just to have BWL-lesson.
Hm, what is BWL in English? Let's ask leo.dict - business studies?! Sounds good. Better than Betriebswirtschaftslehre

I hope my car will do its job, last time when it stood three days unused, it would not start.
I do not feel really well again, some of you knew I was ill since wednesday last week and lay in bed the whole weekend, drinking tea and inhaling camomile

Just want to stay here and flausch in my bed

(leo.dict says "der Flausch" could be coating, fearnought or fleece, but in German we use it as a verb, means something like to cuddle.)
Oh noes, a look out the window makes me even more uncomfortable, really big snowflakes are falling down - I freeze just when seeing it - argh

HELP PLEASE, who can bring the summer back? :/
Would something like a trip to a sauna help, perhaps...?