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hi kids. i smoked a lot of pot tonight at my friend a-Ron's apartment, a few blocks from my dorm. it was wicked fun, and ill post some pics when jess sends me them off her cam. chaz and a-ron and jess and dutchie (it was his 22nd bday today) and this crazy-drunk-loser-trendy-chick named sarah came over and she was all down with her moon boots, and said people spend "mad BANK" on them. which confused me a bit. but it was a funny topic of converation after she left.
any-hizzle. i gotsta be getting to bed soon, kiddies. ill post pics tomorrow, if i ever wake up out of my weed-coma... which is currently setting in. *yawn* gnight.
hi kids. i smoked a lot of pot tonight at my friend a-Ron's apartment, a few blocks from my dorm. it was wicked fun, and ill post some pics when jess sends me them off her cam. chaz and a-ron and jess and dutchie (it was his 22nd bday today) and this crazy-drunk-loser-trendy-chick named sarah came over and she was all down with her moon boots, and said people spend "mad BANK" on them. which confused me a bit. but it was a funny topic of converation after she left.
any-hizzle. i gotsta be getting to bed soon, kiddies. ill post pics tomorrow, if i ever wake up out of my weed-coma... which is currently setting in. *yawn* gnight.