yup i feel like shit. so yeah. im sure, whoever you are, reading this, you prolly dont give a shit what i have to say. and think all stupid 19 year old girls living alone in a city, are going to be depressed and feel like shit in the wintertime. no, i DONT cut myself. i did THAT when i was 14 fucking years old. but im actually one of those people who um... actually HAS bipolar disorder, there is actually a CHEMICAL imbalance in my brain, and if i dont take my fucking prescribed lithium every fucking day, i will go batshit. its great. because i often just get pooled with all the other livejournal bitches who cut themselves and take pictures of it because they are "sooo depressed" and just want everyone to seee see LOOK AT MEEE GUYS IM SOO SAD.
i actually KNOW what its like to be sad and fall, face-down and dazed into a puddle of ones own vomit, saliva and tears on ones desk.
oh, plus, i have no money. so i guess ive basically made the decision to become a stripper. yup. dont tell my mom.
i actually KNOW what its like to be sad and fall, face-down and dazed into a puddle of ones own vomit, saliva and tears on ones desk.
oh, plus, i have no money. so i guess ive basically made the decision to become a stripper. yup. dont tell my mom.
and yes i do care.