I can't stop listening to "bad" punk music! Please God, someone help me
I have a Math quiz today and I'm pretty scared about it. Math sucks... and I have a test on MONDAY... thanks prof.
I've been smoking way too many cigarettes lately, and I was put in a situation where I had to run a long distance the other day in order to make a pre-arranged deadline - I thought I was going to die. I chugged a whole liter of diet pepsi and my throat was still burning. Oh, if only I didn't enjoy them so much...
I've decided I'm going to go on a healthier diet, I've kinda gotten soft in my college days haha. I wish the gym here at UNM were more conducive to long workouts, but there always seems to be a class or a crowd of people in the tiny little space. Lame.
If anybody stumbles across this post, cross your fingers for me RE: Math!

I have a Math quiz today and I'm pretty scared about it. Math sucks... and I have a test on MONDAY... thanks prof.
I've been smoking way too many cigarettes lately, and I was put in a situation where I had to run a long distance the other day in order to make a pre-arranged deadline - I thought I was going to die. I chugged a whole liter of diet pepsi and my throat was still burning. Oh, if only I didn't enjoy them so much...
I've decided I'm going to go on a healthier diet, I've kinda gotten soft in my college days haha. I wish the gym here at UNM were more conducive to long workouts, but there always seems to be a class or a crowd of people in the tiny little space. Lame.
If anybody stumbles across this post, cross your fingers for me RE: Math!