I'm back!
Thanks for the great feedback on the previous set (despite the bad picture quality)! Sorry for not responding to you all...I've been kinda busy lately because of new studies, new job... and joining a new band!
Anyway, a new set will be up in MR later today. Hope you'll enjoy it...
Lots of love to all you slaves of beauty!
xoxox, Aengel
Thanks for the great feedback on the previous set (despite the bad picture quality)! Sorry for not responding to you all...I've been kinda busy lately because of new studies, new job... and joining a new band!

Anyway, a new set will be up in MR later today. Hope you'll enjoy it...
Lots of love to all you slaves of beauty!

xoxox, Aengel
Om du har planer om att ta dig uppemot gteborg-ish skulle jag nog rekommendera att du snackar med DeisonMX hr p SG - han har pltat ett par jvligt bra sets.
Neostalgia fredag? Finns kanske en risk att man hamnar dr. Skall visst p afterwork med forna kollegor i Malm. Sdana brukar kunna urarta en smula.
Kllarstudio? Ah, ja. Du skrev ngot om band. Vad r det fr band du gtt med i? Jag gissar p .... SYNTH.
M'era Luna - ja. Dom har alltid en bra lineup, men dessvrre brukar bra spelningar krocka med bttre spelningar, s man blir helt hjrtsliten och inte vet vad man ska se