Samantha and Michelle and I had lunch at Hooters in Pensacola yesterday afternoon.

The theory was discussed that, through an ongoing process of selective breeding, the men of the world were slowly causing the average bust size to increase.

"Out of my way! Gene pool emergency! Stand aside! Gotta do Darwin's work!"
Welcome to SGMC.
Today is going to be interesting. I'm flying run #110, which lays over in Pensacola for about four hours. Sam is currently in Pensacola, of course, so we can get together while I'm up there. Odd twist. I'm sure we'll have lunch and maybe I can even take a nap at Dick 'n' Dawn's place.

I slept very badly last night. Knowing that I was...
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Got to do a checkride today . . . checkrides are a necessary pain in the ass.

I was in the supermarket Sunday. There are thousands of books and magazines for sale on the subject of health and fitness. It's a billion-dollar publishing industry. Honestly, how much is there to say on this topic? Here is everything anybody really needs to know about health and...
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This is going to be one of those weird lazy days. I went to bed fairly early last night -- about 10 or 11 -- and woke up this morning a little after 7.

I don't actually need to be at work, however, until about 8 P.M. (I'm flying the early Fed Special to Jacksonville tonight.) Meanwhile . . . well . . . here...
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Cool! It's raining! Thank the fucking weather gods. This means I don't have to set up the sprinkler.

I love the sound of the rain . . . well, at least when I'm warm and dry inside some kind of shelter I do. When I'm out in it, shivering and damp, then it drags teeth.

It's great to look out the window and see the...
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Wow, what a day!

First, I rode out to the Yalaha Country Bakery to hear the Hindu Cowboys play.

But it turned out that the Yalaha Country Bakery was an officially designated sacred site for a worldwide festival commemorating the "Harmonic Concordance." It has something to do with the lunar eclipse.

People were standing around in circles chanting and humming. Holistic healers mingled with aura...
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Well, yesterday was fun. I don't get to fly the line that much any more. Seeing the Everglades from above is always cool -- as is looking down on the beaches, with the surf and the hotels and all the tiny people . . .

The weather was mostly awful. It's been quite a while since I had to shoot an ILS down to minimums...
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Getting up at 3 A.M. profoundly sucks ass. I went to bed super-early last night, so I got enough sleep, but still. It just doesn't feel right.

I'm flying run 125 today. ORL - FXE - OPF - BCT - ORL with a 5-hour layover at FXE. Oh well, at least there's a nice little restaurant right on the flight line down there at Fort...
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The SuicideGirls Burlesque Tour makes me think back -- way back -- to my adolescence, to the days before I had ever been to a real strip club.

When I was 15, do you know what I thought a real strip club was going to be like? I thought it would be like a dinner theater. There would be a great big stage up front....
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Flux has the best answer of all time to the question "why do you allow nude pictures of yourself to be published (on the Internet / in a magazine etc.)?"

I was just reading her profile, and under the heading WHY I DID SG she writes "by letting people whack it to you, you change the face of Desire. By changing what humanity desires, you...
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Right now I'm working on Flyboys by James Bradley. What an incredible book! I can't put it down. I went out with some friends on Halloween and we went from bar to bar downtown. I had the book with me the whole time and I just sat by myself reading while everyone else was drinking.

An exhaustively researched work of historical non-fiction, it provides a...
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