I'm like a year late lol, but @catdad tagged me and i never back down from a challenge lol.
Its really hard to just pick ONE song that is your fave, right? because there are soo many and not one that fits like every mood.
So I thought, maybe pick a song that no matter where you listen, it always brightens your day! it can be because of the lyrics or the tune or anything.
Last year I got into kpop, it was just a natural route to take honestly (I already collect banpresto anime figures!! so yeah lol). And got to liking this group a lot.
Let me say I know NOTHING of korean, so I just like it bc it sounds good. I keep a playlist for work and it helps me focus and keep me active bc its upbeat and I dont think about lyrics lol
Back to the thing: I liked this group, they got a new album and the first song they released is just THAT song for me! Its fun, its upbeat, I feel like its positive and it has such a great tune.
Its called "Breath" f
The lyrics go something like this other person helps you breathe and you are not the same without them. The whole album is about that "Last Piece" you are missing. So overall its a cool concept.
Sadly the group reached the end of their contract so now every one of them is doing thir own personal projects, but im not sad bc the old stuff still exists and I can replay it anytime i want.
Thats it for the challenge! long overdue IM SORRY
aaaand I tag @asiri and @peligro and @bittersweetcallie