Sounds a bit weird when put like that, BUT I DID!
I am very into my crafts like jewelry making. Sales dont go that well, but I'm learning.
The other day I discovered this super cool store based in Hong Kong, that sells all types of tiny and cool things for resin jewelry making! Like pigments and bezels and mold.
But the best thing? THE SHIPPING IS SO CHEAP! Compared to $15+ when bought from amazon, this shipping starts at like $4! So its much more accesible to me and it makes me SO HAPPY!
And I bought this things among others:
Tiny diamond shaped silicone mold! Good thing with silicone is that its flexible and resin just doesnt stick to it.
yellow pigment! Was actually trying to buy the transparent but it sold out, I also wanted to try this one out so, win win! I have had SUCH a hard time finding yellow pigment for resin, at least here! the store that sells me the resin just has orange, red, blue, green and pink. And the awful thing? you cant MIX THEM! if you mix any color, no matter which one, it turns into this awful poop brown color that no one would wear, ew.
YES! FINALLY!! Uv resin!!! I have wanted to try this one out since I saw it on youtube!! it turns out is much less damaging to your lungs and there is no need to work it in a well ventilated enviroment AND with a mask! I usually work with polyester resin (which is cancerous, woops, but I wear a mask!), because of the cost and I was experimenting and didnt want to buy the expensive one and thor it all out in mistakes. SO! UV resin, aparently are like 3 types? this one I understand is used for open bezels and for mixing things and there is the thick type that is used for doming the pieces.
And thats my exciting news of today, I still have to tell you guys about my trip to chile!! I still havent given myself enough time for that, this weekend I have the free comic book day event, in which im cosplaying as X23 from X Force, in a group cosplay, and I still have not finished my piece! or my commission!! I keep running out of fabric, I hate it!
This has been part of my "Aelin discovers online shopping and good shipping prices" series, in aprox 40 days the pieces will get here! Ill maybe do an unboxing on my work instagram! If you follow that one, bc my SG instagram is just aelinsg :P
Have a good week!!
EDIT: im so out of it! the stores name is Miniature Sweet!