Spanglish as fuck.
Anyways, a quick update: my father payed, this month, I don't know how next month will go. And I'm not checking his e-mails anymore, to avoid reading his insults.
Bad news: my mother is sick of "this life" (who wouldn't be, this has been super hard, specially on her, for 25 years now) and is leaving at the end of november, she sais she doesn't want to know about me anymore.
I haven't been the best daughter, I know. I have a temper and I don't think before I speak, or don't realise how it sounds. My mother has had a really hard life, being an artist and a single mother in a country where her art isn't given it's proper place or price. I understand completely her desicion and her heart.
She said some awful things too, but who doesn't when they are angry and sad?
So this next few months I'll be not only finishing my carreer, but also looking for a job that pays me enough to survive on my own. I have to finish my new portfolio, updated with the work I have done in the last few jobs I had, and well, getting into shape, to make more sets.
Because I'm not giving up this, or my dreams about studying SFX make up or having eventually my own clothing brand, so many things I want to do, but they all are hard work, and I have to start from the bottom.
So here I am, stubborn against the odds.
Other than that, i did AMAZING in my midterms, like, I kicked the test's ass, from here to the moon. One of my teachers told me that I wrote "beautifully", and that boosted me like hell, for writing my review blog (in spanish, sorry!).
Until next time, idk when my account runs out, but I'm already on the works with my photographer-friend, to edit my new set (it's not gonna be as awesome as the others, sorry! I lost the practice I'm afraid). So I will have another year, kinda soon-ish.
Take care my friends, and may the force be with you, as with me.