This is Part 2 of my original blog :
I'm going to try to keep this short -- This all happened between March-June.
Have you ever gotten to really know someone, but instead of the friendship and relationship improving, it starts to rear its ugly head to the point where you literally think:
"Who the fuck is this person?!" -- Cuz that's exactly what happened.
Things about her were revealed and honestly, it led me to understand that she was extremely immature and lacked some decency when it came to talking about certain personal subjects in her life, in public. Like she had no filter, but in the wrong way. Lastly, there were some things that she was doing that morally I just couldn't agree with.
To end this, cuz I've edited this several times, the connection that we made, dissolved under a false guise of trust, openness, and close friendship.
I'm not angry, just disappointed.