So this new university is not only 3x larger than my previous school (and their parking layout is Incredibly shit) but some of the material is daunting.
Like example, Music History II, this seems like it would be about how music was created and by whom in certain eras of time.
Yes and no.
The biggest part of it is the assignments. Sheets asking, who composed this piece, what historical things took place in this area at that time, what is the music about, what context of the music played a role in history, define terms about the music, etc Most Of which is NOT mentioned in the books. And google doesn’t help when you’re trying to find similar composers between 300BC and the 11th century. Because there are zero records!
This should be called “Analysis of Music Throughout History” cuz that’s exactly what the fuck it is.
Other than that, I get to exercise by walking about 8-10 city blocks to my first class every morning.
Coolest part is I get to learn timpani and marimba Fucking awesome!!
Maybe I should post what I’m actually learning that I’ll use after I finish? That might be cool?!