If my brain were a paper towel it sure wouldn't be the quicker-picker-upper, it would be the other leading brand. It would swish that 5ml blue liquid right across that glistening table, that glimmering floor. You could never place a bowling ball in my sopping hammock, it would crush your little toes.
Swiss cheese, holes, and mold. In one ear and out the eyeball. What do they say? Ears. Ears, nose, throat.
What's my point? Write it down. I think of things to say, songs to write, and movies to make in the shower, on the subway, walking the dog. I wanted to talk about Lando Calrissian, who would've thought he could ever turn 68 (or was it 67)? but that was yesterday. How about the International Criminal Court? Well not in my backyard! Headscratch, ballsitch.
Now pay attention and when you look it up remember it, make a point to use it. I am terrible with my word of the day. Why do you need to remember that figure if you can look it up and faster tomorrow. It's sad really, all the things I only half know and can't quite tell you in person.
Interrupted, and now I am off with my daily cheatsheet- a cheatsheet now there's an idea- to meet my pretty girl in person.
Perhaps we can continue, I'm sorry I've been so far gone lately.
Swiss cheese, holes, and mold. In one ear and out the eyeball. What do they say? Ears. Ears, nose, throat.
What's my point? Write it down. I think of things to say, songs to write, and movies to make in the shower, on the subway, walking the dog. I wanted to talk about Lando Calrissian, who would've thought he could ever turn 68 (or was it 67)? but that was yesterday. How about the International Criminal Court? Well not in my backyard! Headscratch, ballsitch.
Now pay attention and when you look it up remember it, make a point to use it. I am terrible with my word of the day. Why do you need to remember that figure if you can look it up and faster tomorrow. It's sad really, all the things I only half know and can't quite tell you in person.
Interrupted, and now I am off with my daily cheatsheet- a cheatsheet now there's an idea- to meet my pretty girl in person.
Perhaps we can continue, I'm sorry I've been so far gone lately.
Oh yeah...I laughed out loud reading those. I'm sure my roommates thought it was annoying.

Mwahahah. Skirt days are become less and less rare, or more and more frequent to be optimistic about the whole thing!