Defined by the things you don't do, as well as you do...
AssProd, monday night I saw my name projected and decided that I could not sanction my bank-busting spiral into debauchery. Austin, I miss you already. Left alone, I am unable to set limits. I am best left locked to the peg inside the fence next to my little house. Yet, I now feel a pang of regret, as if my life has taken a detour from it's rightful course. She loves me, she loves me not. Should I stay or should I go?
I tear my hair up and out from it's flimsy roots. I must check the deals again!!! Back...
I staystaystay. (or gogogo?)
Yesterday, I rediscovered art. Paint me pretty pictures. Don't let people tell you how it should be done. Money is in the making...
AssProd, monday night I saw my name projected and decided that I could not sanction my bank-busting spiral into debauchery. Austin, I miss you already. Left alone, I am unable to set limits. I am best left locked to the peg inside the fence next to my little house. Yet, I now feel a pang of regret, as if my life has taken a detour from it's rightful course. She loves me, she loves me not. Should I stay or should I go?
I tear my hair up and out from it's flimsy roots. I must check the deals again!!! Back...
I staystaystay. (or gogogo?)
Yesterday, I rediscovered art. Paint me pretty pictures. Don't let people tell you how it should be done. Money is in the making...

Good night darlin'.

yeah, I talked myself into re-loving Victory in the span of about 30 seconds. What was I thinking.