I'm going to New Orleans for a recording convention. It's gonna be good fun. This will be a first official outing for my new production company.
I've been getting up to be at work at 7AM all this week. I'm covering for my friend who took over my job last fall so he can have a vacation. Of course, I never go to sleep before 2AM so I am fucking tired. Thank Goddess it's only temporary. I'm enjoying not knowing where I'll be in a month or even two weeks. (As long as enough work shows up to get me by
). The feeling of knowing that the next week and the next are gonna be exactly the same as this week just doesn't agree with me. Making music for a living takes such a toll in the sheer effort to keep it going and the lack of security and crazy long hours when I am working and the insane pressure for things to be right when I'm working that the one thing I really want in return is to live an inspired life.
I've been getting up to be at work at 7AM all this week. I'm covering for my friend who took over my job last fall so he can have a vacation. Of course, I never go to sleep before 2AM so I am fucking tired. Thank Goddess it's only temporary. I'm enjoying not knowing where I'll be in a month or even two weeks. (As long as enough work shows up to get me by

Funny you should mention! See my last journal entry for George Massenburg.