I'm on my seventh day of my cleanse and damn happy about it. Looking forward to all the sensual beauty and joy of food in a day or two. I'm feeling much betta.
Rule of the day. Be as absolute and clear as possible and make sure your actions are in line with your intentions. I've broken this rule over the last few months and I'm paying the price by possibly losing a friend that I really would like in my life.
We started dating and I realized that it wasn't gonna work for me and said so. But I kept letting it linger. Foolish me. I thought somehow we could find a way to transition into being just friends but instead I've only helped make the transition worse. I'm an ass
Rule of the day. Be as absolute and clear as possible and make sure your actions are in line with your intentions. I've broken this rule over the last few months and I'm paying the price by possibly losing a friend that I really would like in my life.

please eat something.