so news. i spent easter travelling sealand. basically. visited my dad with the boy. very nice. then kopf for a couple of days. very nice indeed, even though we again ended up drinking instead of taking piccies. then grandparents. very loud. i think their hearing is getting a lot worse! then with the sis to sweden. just for a night. and then back home with her and baby ebba. looong drive. ebba is probably teething, so she is whiny, not sleeping, mommy sick and a whole lot more. but we lived.
then my sister got her licenseplates stolen. and yesterday we spent A LOT of time at the motors office trying to get some replacement plates with. her car is swedish, so she can't cross the border with the replacement plates. but at least we can drive now. on the way there the baby trolley had a flat tire. what a GREAT day!
and ebba refused to sleep last night and tonight. :S i am NEVER having kids!
today i have to hand in an application for me to get more time on the first part of med. school. if i don't get it, they are gonna kick me out. i hope and expect to stay though.
but it has been a lot of stress for me to finish this shit. today is absolutely last day i can hand it in!
good news is that the horse is doing great progress. actually so great that my dressage trainer has more or less "pushed" me into starting at the next dressage competition they are having. and she says that i should start two classes higher than the one i wanted to start.
so today i am also gonna go look at riding equipment. and spend money!!!
then my sister got her licenseplates stolen. and yesterday we spent A LOT of time at the motors office trying to get some replacement plates with. her car is swedish, so she can't cross the border with the replacement plates. but at least we can drive now. on the way there the baby trolley had a flat tire. what a GREAT day!

today i have to hand in an application for me to get more time on the first part of med. school. if i don't get it, they are gonna kick me out. i hope and expect to stay though.

good news is that the horse is doing great progress. actually so great that my dressage trainer has more or less "pushed" me into starting at the next dressage competition they are having. and she says that i should start two classes higher than the one i wanted to start.

Mit gik fint. Vi fik en fejlfri runde og en sljfe i LD'en og 10 fejl i LC'en. Det var fedt at vre tilbage p en stvneplads, jeg var vildt nervs.
Er endnu mere nervs nu. Rejser til Grnland om 2 dage.