the drama queen strikes again!
i had a huge fight with the girl i have been sharing horse with. (her horse, our money) and i am horseless again. i am relieved. she was a total bitch a lot of the time. and now i don't have to have her in my life anymore.
yay for saying no!
but now i need to find something other than the boy to ride. even though he doesn't mind that much.
newest addiction: horrorpops!
the nearest future will involve a trip to the 8th wonder niece in sweden, and also start shooting sets again. the urge to strip in front of total strangers has returned with a vengeance.
oh yeah. i am wow'ing again.
i had a huge fight with the girl i have been sharing horse with. (her horse, our money) and i am horseless again. i am relieved. she was a total bitch a lot of the time. and now i don't have to have her in my life anymore.
yay for saying no!

but now i need to find something other than the boy to ride. even though he doesn't mind that much.
newest addiction: horrorpops!

the nearest future will involve a trip to the 8th wonder niece in sweden, and also start shooting sets again. the urge to strip in front of total strangers has returned with a vengeance.

oh yeah. i am wow'ing again.

I remember how happy you were about the "horsesharing"...