I am sooo tired today. I stayed out waay too late last night (but it was so worth it). Sarah(2) called me yesterday afternoon and asked me if I had any plans for the evening. This was a bit surprising as I hadn't really talked to her since Saturday night and I wasn't expecting to hear from her so soon after the conversation we had that night. I dunno, maybe she forgot about it, or it didn't really matter to her. I was planning on giving her some space and then eventually talking to her about it (thats the advice I was given) and I figured I'd probably see her at xmortis on Saturday anyways. I was really happy she called though, and of course I wanted to hang out with her.
Anyways, she said a childhood friend of hers was in town and she was thinking about going bowling and asked me if I wanted to go. I told her I was planning on moving that evening, but I might have time after I was done. Moving actually went much better than expected and I was done in a little over two hours. Instead of bowling, she ended up going to The Middle East. The plan was that we were going to wait for the line to die down at Phoenix Landing so we could go see Dieselboy, but we never actually made it there.
I arrived at the Middle East at about 11:30pm. She was hanging out with Will, who she has known since she was three, and Akshe, a friend of hers from college. Both of them seemed like really nice guys but they were a little bit quiet. So I had to do what I do best -- tell stories to entertain everyone. I was really on last night. Several times I had Sarah rolling on the floor laughing (ok, well, not quite the floor, maybe the bench she was sitting on). I wish I remembered what I said. At first I felt bad about monopolizing the conversation but everyone seemed to be having fun. We drank a couple of pitchers of beer and this really drunk guy from Kentucky came and sat down with us. He was mildly amusing, I suppose, but a little too drunk to be very interesting.
After the Middle East closed at 2am I walked with Sarah and the others towards her car. We never made it though, as I decided I was going to sit on a bench in Central Square and chill for a bit since my car was in the other direction. Sarah wasn't about to let me stay there alone though. I wasn't sitting there because I was too drunk to drive, I just didn't want to go home yet and the night was beautiful and I just wanted to relax and think. And it was obvious that I wasn't going to be able to have any time alone with Sarah since she had to drive her friends home. I had just about convinced her to leave and let me stay alone when a guy walked up to us and invited us to a party at his apartment around the corner. I was like, "hell yeah, let's go" and when Akshe found out he had weed he decided he wanted to go too
. The guy -- his name was Dan -- led us to his place, which really was right around the corner. He told us about his cats and asked why society says a straight man can't like animals! I totally understood.
He lived in a building/area called "University Park", which I think has something to do with MIT. He had a studio apartment which was just one *huge* room which was larger than my whole 2 bedroom apartment. He told me the rent was $2k a month (his parents pay for it). He had the tiniest kitten, Oscar, I'd ever seen. I don't think he could have even weighed a pound. Even my cats at 7 weeks were not that small.
Events from the night come back to me in small bursts throughout the day. As I recall them, I chuckle silently and my coworkers ask what I am smiling about. I recall Sarah lighting her lighter so close to my eye that she singed my eyelashes (I don't really remember why she did this - I was seeing a bright spot for minutes afterwards). I recall somehow convincing everyone that I was telepathic. I guessed both sign and birthdate of someone on the second try. It was really dumb luck so I wasn't about to try and repeat the feat despite much begging from everyone there. It's also amazing what you can convince people of if you just pretend to be confident about the answer. Like I can quickly multiply large numbers in my head, and recite the birthdates and random facts about historical figures and celebrities (What, are you gong to actually check the answers?) I remember meeting someone from Nashua who is friends with Scarlett's boyfriend and know both her and Gia. Not sure if he knows Edea though, as I've yet to meet Edea and I don't know her real name. We gossiped a bit about SG
. I remember Sarah begging me to recite the poem I wrote for Lexie entitled Ode to Lexie's Butt She also begged me to write a poem about her. I'll work on this weekend maybe. She a big fan of my crunk lyrical stylings. I remember quizzing everyone about what the two egg-laying mammals are. One is the platypus, what is the other? A no-prize to the person who answers it correctly.
It was nearly 5am when we left the party. My car happened to be parked outside so I drove Sarah and the boys to her car which was a couple of blocks away. I was feeling a really good vibe from Sarah all night. Had we been alone I would have kissed her. In fact, I almost did anyways. We parted with a hug, and vague plans to attend a party hosted by one of Ashke's friend's this evening.
I can't exactly explain why the night was so much fun. It's not that either Sarah or I got very drunk, although we did act kind of crazy. I can't really pinpoint any one or particular exciting event or joke or story. It just was a great time and we both knew it. I know Sarah had fun too and sure enough, at about 3:00pm today she sent me a text message saying "I had sooo much fun last night!" What more evidence do you need than that?
I might still be on the friendship ladder with Sarah, but then again, I might not be. She is single, available, at least a little bit attracted to me and certaintly has fun hanging out with me. I dunno, I guess I'll have to see what happens.
Anyways, she said a childhood friend of hers was in town and she was thinking about going bowling and asked me if I wanted to go. I told her I was planning on moving that evening, but I might have time after I was done. Moving actually went much better than expected and I was done in a little over two hours. Instead of bowling, she ended up going to The Middle East. The plan was that we were going to wait for the line to die down at Phoenix Landing so we could go see Dieselboy, but we never actually made it there.
I arrived at the Middle East at about 11:30pm. She was hanging out with Will, who she has known since she was three, and Akshe, a friend of hers from college. Both of them seemed like really nice guys but they were a little bit quiet. So I had to do what I do best -- tell stories to entertain everyone. I was really on last night. Several times I had Sarah rolling on the floor laughing (ok, well, not quite the floor, maybe the bench she was sitting on). I wish I remembered what I said. At first I felt bad about monopolizing the conversation but everyone seemed to be having fun. We drank a couple of pitchers of beer and this really drunk guy from Kentucky came and sat down with us. He was mildly amusing, I suppose, but a little too drunk to be very interesting.
After the Middle East closed at 2am I walked with Sarah and the others towards her car. We never made it though, as I decided I was going to sit on a bench in Central Square and chill for a bit since my car was in the other direction. Sarah wasn't about to let me stay there alone though. I wasn't sitting there because I was too drunk to drive, I just didn't want to go home yet and the night was beautiful and I just wanted to relax and think. And it was obvious that I wasn't going to be able to have any time alone with Sarah since she had to drive her friends home. I had just about convinced her to leave and let me stay alone when a guy walked up to us and invited us to a party at his apartment around the corner. I was like, "hell yeah, let's go" and when Akshe found out he had weed he decided he wanted to go too

He lived in a building/area called "University Park", which I think has something to do with MIT. He had a studio apartment which was just one *huge* room which was larger than my whole 2 bedroom apartment. He told me the rent was $2k a month (his parents pay for it). He had the tiniest kitten, Oscar, I'd ever seen. I don't think he could have even weighed a pound. Even my cats at 7 weeks were not that small.
Events from the night come back to me in small bursts throughout the day. As I recall them, I chuckle silently and my coworkers ask what I am smiling about. I recall Sarah lighting her lighter so close to my eye that she singed my eyelashes (I don't really remember why she did this - I was seeing a bright spot for minutes afterwards). I recall somehow convincing everyone that I was telepathic. I guessed both sign and birthdate of someone on the second try. It was really dumb luck so I wasn't about to try and repeat the feat despite much begging from everyone there. It's also amazing what you can convince people of if you just pretend to be confident about the answer. Like I can quickly multiply large numbers in my head, and recite the birthdates and random facts about historical figures and celebrities (What, are you gong to actually check the answers?) I remember meeting someone from Nashua who is friends with Scarlett's boyfriend and know both her and Gia. Not sure if he knows Edea though, as I've yet to meet Edea and I don't know her real name. We gossiped a bit about SG

It was nearly 5am when we left the party. My car happened to be parked outside so I drove Sarah and the boys to her car which was a couple of blocks away. I was feeling a really good vibe from Sarah all night. Had we been alone I would have kissed her. In fact, I almost did anyways. We parted with a hug, and vague plans to attend a party hosted by one of Ashke's friend's this evening.
I can't exactly explain why the night was so much fun. It's not that either Sarah or I got very drunk, although we did act kind of crazy. I can't really pinpoint any one or particular exciting event or joke or story. It just was a great time and we both knew it. I know Sarah had fun too and sure enough, at about 3:00pm today she sent me a text message saying "I had sooo much fun last night!" What more evidence do you need than that?
I might still be on the friendship ladder with Sarah, but then again, I might not be. She is single, available, at least a little bit attracted to me and certaintly has fun hanging out with me. I dunno, I guess I'll have to see what happens.
Thanks for that link. It made me want to cry reading some of the stuff on there, and I feel compelled to give my poor kitten a bath now again just to make sure, because I don't know if the vet did. I don't think so, she still has somewhat matted fur on her neck. Argh! She's still not eating, but sitting by her food and purring and sniffing it. I had to give her nutrical by force last night, and it was horrible! My poor baby.