Lots of random stuff today. If one section bores you, skip to the next and maybe you'll find it more interesting .
I've recently had a lot of words I've coined added to the urban dictionary. Please check them out and give them a "thumbs up" for me. Here is a list of them. I've made them all up myself except for "pizza place" which I was surprised to find wasn't already up there. Please use them as much as possible in your everyday speech.
On Tuesday I auditioned for XY.tv. XY.tv is a cable station based in Boston which has a bunch of original shows, mostly reality shows similar to MTV's Real World and make-over shows. SG Fetish actually was on one of their shows, though I don't know which one. It's available on RCN cable, but I don't know if anyone actually watches it. I really only went to the audition cause it was right down the street from my new apartment and they said there would be free Mexican food. I didn't see any Mexican food , but I decided to audition anyways. I also signed up for cable while I was there, heh. They interviewed me and it was fun but I'm sure I looked like a complete dork on camera. Oh well, I didn't really care if I embarassed myself. But then I remembered that my friend Julia is a producer at XY.tv and that she'll probably see my tape. D'oh!
I'm not happy about the fact that it is raining and I'm supposed to move today (only 15 days late). I might just have to postpone it till tomorrow unless it clears up which I don't think it is going to. I spent yesterday evening cleaning the floors of my apartment. It's looking good so far. My room has been wallpapered, and I painted the walls, ceilings, and moldings. It is pretty much done except that I want to install a new light fixture in the ceiling and I still need to put up the new custom-fitted blinds I bought. It looks amazing, you wouldn't even believe its the same room.
I still have to paint the kitchen and I decided I don't like the color I painted the bathroom so I'm going to paint that again too. Then I am going to regrout the tile around the tub and re-enamel the tub, probably this Saturday. Tonight I'll hang the ceiling fan in the living room and prime and paint the door I bought for the living room closet. Longer term I need to think about what color I want to paint the living room but I'm going to wait until I buy a couch first.
My new roommate *still* hasn't moved in yet. Almost two weeks ago I began to freak out because I hadn't heard from her in a while so I called and left a message and e-mailed her and she e-mailed me back saying that she was planning on moving in the next weekend. Well, that would have been last weekend and I haven't heard from her since. I know she was having some issues coordinating flights because she lives in Missouri but I wish she'd let me know what is going on. I e-mailed her yesterday morning and I'm beginning to worry again. Tuesday, I walked over to the ice cream shop where she used to work and asked the people there if they remembered her. I've never met her in real life and I've never even talked to her on the phone, so I wanted to get an opinion on what kind of person she was. The one girl there that remembered her said that she was really nice, but that one day she just stopped showing up for her shift. Uh oh. I knew that she had quit the ice cream job when she graduated, but I didn't know thats how she did it. The girl was relieved to hear that she wasn't hurt or dead or anything.
I'll probably give her another call tomorrow but if I don't hear from her by the end of the week, I'm going to begin to look for a new roommate. If anyone needs a place, or knows of someone who does, it is an awesome apartment right in Davis Sq. You can't beat the location and I'm putting a lot of work into making the pace look nice. Rent is $700/month.
Last night when I went over to clean my apartment I got a $40 dollar parking ticket cause my Somerville parking permit expired a few months ago. And then when I went home to Shawn's house and parked on the street like I always do, I got another $40 dollar parking ticket this morning. I haven't even moved into my new place yet and already I've gotten two parking tickets!! Well, I went to the parking office this morning and tried to renew my permit and they said I needed a copy of my new lease. My landlord still hasn't given me a copy yet though. If I get a copy and a new parking permit in the next seven days though, they will get rid of those tickets for me and I won't have to pay them though. I just need to harass my landlord now, he was supposed to give me a copy two weeks ago.
Some of you may notice my "favorite SGs" are now completely different. Don't worry, this is just a temporary thing and I'm going to change them back. You girls who used to be up there, you know you are my favorites.
I've recently had a lot of words I've coined added to the urban dictionary. Please check them out and give them a "thumbs up" for me. Here is a list of them. I've made them all up myself except for "pizza place" which I was surprised to find wasn't already up there. Please use them as much as possible in your everyday speech.
On Tuesday I auditioned for XY.tv. XY.tv is a cable station based in Boston which has a bunch of original shows, mostly reality shows similar to MTV's Real World and make-over shows. SG Fetish actually was on one of their shows, though I don't know which one. It's available on RCN cable, but I don't know if anyone actually watches it. I really only went to the audition cause it was right down the street from my new apartment and they said there would be free Mexican food. I didn't see any Mexican food , but I decided to audition anyways. I also signed up for cable while I was there, heh. They interviewed me and it was fun but I'm sure I looked like a complete dork on camera. Oh well, I didn't really care if I embarassed myself. But then I remembered that my friend Julia is a producer at XY.tv and that she'll probably see my tape. D'oh!
I'm not happy about the fact that it is raining and I'm supposed to move today (only 15 days late). I might just have to postpone it till tomorrow unless it clears up which I don't think it is going to. I spent yesterday evening cleaning the floors of my apartment. It's looking good so far. My room has been wallpapered, and I painted the walls, ceilings, and moldings. It is pretty much done except that I want to install a new light fixture in the ceiling and I still need to put up the new custom-fitted blinds I bought. It looks amazing, you wouldn't even believe its the same room.
I still have to paint the kitchen and I decided I don't like the color I painted the bathroom so I'm going to paint that again too. Then I am going to regrout the tile around the tub and re-enamel the tub, probably this Saturday. Tonight I'll hang the ceiling fan in the living room and prime and paint the door I bought for the living room closet. Longer term I need to think about what color I want to paint the living room but I'm going to wait until I buy a couch first.
My new roommate *still* hasn't moved in yet. Almost two weeks ago I began to freak out because I hadn't heard from her in a while so I called and left a message and e-mailed her and she e-mailed me back saying that she was planning on moving in the next weekend. Well, that would have been last weekend and I haven't heard from her since. I know she was having some issues coordinating flights because she lives in Missouri but I wish she'd let me know what is going on. I e-mailed her yesterday morning and I'm beginning to worry again. Tuesday, I walked over to the ice cream shop where she used to work and asked the people there if they remembered her. I've never met her in real life and I've never even talked to her on the phone, so I wanted to get an opinion on what kind of person she was. The one girl there that remembered her said that she was really nice, but that one day she just stopped showing up for her shift. Uh oh. I knew that she had quit the ice cream job when she graduated, but I didn't know thats how she did it. The girl was relieved to hear that she wasn't hurt or dead or anything.
I'll probably give her another call tomorrow but if I don't hear from her by the end of the week, I'm going to begin to look for a new roommate. If anyone needs a place, or knows of someone who does, it is an awesome apartment right in Davis Sq. You can't beat the location and I'm putting a lot of work into making the pace look nice. Rent is $700/month.
Last night when I went over to clean my apartment I got a $40 dollar parking ticket cause my Somerville parking permit expired a few months ago. And then when I went home to Shawn's house and parked on the street like I always do, I got another $40 dollar parking ticket this morning. I haven't even moved into my new place yet and already I've gotten two parking tickets!! Well, I went to the parking office this morning and tried to renew my permit and they said I needed a copy of my new lease. My landlord still hasn't given me a copy yet though. If I get a copy and a new parking permit in the next seven days though, they will get rid of those tickets for me and I won't have to pay them though. I just need to harass my landlord now, he was supposed to give me a copy two weeks ago.
Some of you may notice my "favorite SGs" are now completely different. Don't worry, this is just a temporary thing and I'm going to change them back. You girls who used to be up there, you know you are my favorites.
You're welcome on the comments.