Morning everyone. I went to Ceremony with Sid last night just like we do every Monday. It was the first Ceremony I didn't drunk-text Sarah(2) reminding her that she wasn't at Ceremony. It's become sort of a tradition. But now I'm just trying to play it cool, to back away while I collect my thoughts and figure out what I should do, if anything. I was still kind of emo yesterday because of everything that happened this past weekend, but no matter how hard I try, it can't keep me down
. Somehow I've become incapable of being mopey for too long. I kind of miss it.
There was some kind of raffle last night at Ceremony and I won an autographed copy of a Skinny Puppy DVD. It was awesome 'cause I never win anything. I showed it off and danced while holding it all night. I'm sort of a weirdo. Anyways, I'm not really a big Skinny Puppy fan so Sid convinced me to give it to this girl, Sarah(3), because it was her birthday and her friend said that she was a big Skinny Puppy fan. Actually, I had seen her dancing at Ceremony (and ManRay) several times before and I've always thought she was the best dancer in the place. I really don't believe in giving gifts to women I don't know in exchange for attention. It doesn't work the way you want it to and can often make things awkward. But Sid and her friend insisted and I didn't really care so much about the DVD. Also, I figured it would be a good way to break the ice since I never had a reason to talk to her before. So at the end of the night I walked up to her, told her that I had heard that it was her birthday and asked her if she liked Skinny Puppy. Then I said "Happy Birthday" and gave her the DVD, and introduced myself. We didn't really talk for very long, but she knows who I am now and we left it with a "I'll see you at Ceremony next week". Maybe next week I'll ask for her number although I wonder if I'd ever gave the guts to call her.
I don't know if she is even single or not, but I know that my friend EmoMike asked her for her number last week and she gave it to him. Whether it was fake or not, we don't know yet. He admitted that he wasn't that into her though, and so he didn't care if I hit on her or not. He is all about another girl right now who really isn't that into him
. Poor guy.
I know PopeTom knows this girl -- he seems to know *all* the hot women. I hope I'm not intruding upon his harem.
I hope she actually remembers me, unlike Emily who I gave a mix CD to (she overheard me talking about it and *asked* me for a copy) and then never has a clue who I am, lol. This is the despite the fact that she claims to listen to the mix CD all the time too. Not that I care about Emily at all though.
I met another girl who was really friendly and outgoing. She kept on waving to me as if she knew me or something but she didn't. In fact she was visiting from Florida with her bf who used to live in the area. It's pretty funny because her bf seemed to be hitting on Sid at the time too, lol. At one point she came up to me and said that she wanted to dance but she was too nervous to dance alone so she asked me to dance with her. (Why don't you dance with your bf was what I was thinking). Anyways, I was flattered and went out and danced a bit. It was a good boost to my self-esteem. She talked to EmoMike a bit too and they actually ended up exchanging IMs and numbers. I think he said that he was planning on going to Florida soon and was going to try to meet up with her when he was down there. Good for him.
In other news, I am completely and totally absolutely broke. This makes no sense because I have a good job that pays well. I actually had to borrow a thousand dollars from my parents last week just so I could make it to payday (which fortunately is Thursday). I'll pay them back once I get paid so it isn't such a big deal. I've spent so much money fixing up my apartment (close to one thousand dollars so far) and I just spent over four thousand in rent and security deposits to move into the place. And since my new roommate still is missing I haven't gotten her half of the rent and deposits yet.
Shes gone missing again and I haven't talked to her in a week and a half now. I wonder whats going on. It might be time to e-mail her again.
I've had this song stuck in my head for the past 2 days. It's driving me crazy...
Hey there, blimpy boy, flying through the sky so fancy free

There was some kind of raffle last night at Ceremony and I won an autographed copy of a Skinny Puppy DVD. It was awesome 'cause I never win anything. I showed it off and danced while holding it all night. I'm sort of a weirdo. Anyways, I'm not really a big Skinny Puppy fan so Sid convinced me to give it to this girl, Sarah(3), because it was her birthday and her friend said that she was a big Skinny Puppy fan. Actually, I had seen her dancing at Ceremony (and ManRay) several times before and I've always thought she was the best dancer in the place. I really don't believe in giving gifts to women I don't know in exchange for attention. It doesn't work the way you want it to and can often make things awkward. But Sid and her friend insisted and I didn't really care so much about the DVD. Also, I figured it would be a good way to break the ice since I never had a reason to talk to her before. So at the end of the night I walked up to her, told her that I had heard that it was her birthday and asked her if she liked Skinny Puppy. Then I said "Happy Birthday" and gave her the DVD, and introduced myself. We didn't really talk for very long, but she knows who I am now and we left it with a "I'll see you at Ceremony next week". Maybe next week I'll ask for her number although I wonder if I'd ever gave the guts to call her.
I don't know if she is even single or not, but I know that my friend EmoMike asked her for her number last week and she gave it to him. Whether it was fake or not, we don't know yet. He admitted that he wasn't that into her though, and so he didn't care if I hit on her or not. He is all about another girl right now who really isn't that into him

I know PopeTom knows this girl -- he seems to know *all* the hot women. I hope I'm not intruding upon his harem.
I hope she actually remembers me, unlike Emily who I gave a mix CD to (she overheard me talking about it and *asked* me for a copy) and then never has a clue who I am, lol. This is the despite the fact that she claims to listen to the mix CD all the time too. Not that I care about Emily at all though.
I met another girl who was really friendly and outgoing. She kept on waving to me as if she knew me or something but she didn't. In fact she was visiting from Florida with her bf who used to live in the area. It's pretty funny because her bf seemed to be hitting on Sid at the time too, lol. At one point she came up to me and said that she wanted to dance but she was too nervous to dance alone so she asked me to dance with her. (Why don't you dance with your bf was what I was thinking). Anyways, I was flattered and went out and danced a bit. It was a good boost to my self-esteem. She talked to EmoMike a bit too and they actually ended up exchanging IMs and numbers. I think he said that he was planning on going to Florida soon and was going to try to meet up with her when he was down there. Good for him.
In other news, I am completely and totally absolutely broke. This makes no sense because I have a good job that pays well. I actually had to borrow a thousand dollars from my parents last week just so I could make it to payday (which fortunately is Thursday). I'll pay them back once I get paid so it isn't such a big deal. I've spent so much money fixing up my apartment (close to one thousand dollars so far) and I just spent over four thousand in rent and security deposits to move into the place. And since my new roommate still is missing I haven't gotten her half of the rent and deposits yet.
Shes gone missing again and I haven't talked to her in a week and a half now. I wonder whats going on. It might be time to e-mail her again.
I've had this song stuck in my head for the past 2 days. It's driving me crazy...
Hey there, blimpy boy, flying through the sky so fancy free
Being emo isn't as fun as the kids make it seem that's for sure. I much prefer dancing to Dashboard than crying to it.