I need to update. I called Erika (the girl I met at the last night of ManRay two weeks ago) again tonight. I had sent her e-mail a couple of days after I met her which she never responded to. Then last Thursday I called her and left her a message which she also never responded to. I figured I'd give it one more shot and call her again tonight. Once again it went straight to voicemail and I left her another message and I mentioned that Xmortis was tomorrow and was wondering if she would be going.
I wasn't expecting her to call back, but about a half an hour later she did. At first we talked about ManRay and the party where we met and how she thought that I was hilarious. I was modest and mentioned how people either find me really funny or really annoying and that I try to hang with the people who find me funny, although I pointed out that I'm considerably less funny to people when they are sober. She told me that neither she or her friend Josh drink at all and that they were completely sober that night they met me. Oops...(I was fairly drunk). She wanted to know who said that about me. I told her my friends and she got pissed that people make generalizations like, "if you are having a good time, you must be drunk". Anyways, I've been tending to fall for women who are alcoholics recently, and well, she is the complete opposite. I just hope she doesn't look negatively on me cause I drink.
We talked about the meteor shower tonight about how she is planning on going to night school in the fall and about the bathrooms at ManRay. The conversation jumped around a lot and didn't really seem to have any direction. One thing that she mentioned that bothered me, though, was that she whined about a boy that she met on the last night of ManRay who had been calling her and leaving her messages but not leaving his number and she couldn't find his number and she wanted to talk to him. wtf?! I did't want to hear that. Even weirder was that was the night that I met her too. Actually, chances are I know the boy or someone who knows him, lol. Luckily, at least I always left my number so she was able to call me
. I'm wondering if this means that I am on the friendship ladder already though (beh, yes, I'm a pessimist).
So, we talked about tomorrow night and I told her about xmortis and she told me that she was planning on going to a rave, cause she is a more of a raver than a goth. She told me I should go along, but I told her I really wanted to go to xmortis 'cause all of my friends are gonna be there. You see my dilemma -- go to xmortis with all my friends and have a pretty much guarenteed good time? Or hang out a rave with this girl I barely know? I'm leaning towards the rave actually. I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get to know a girl who actually might like me for once! Except I've never really been to a rave before (though I've listened to a ton of electronic (in this case psy-trance) music). I have no idea what to wear to a rave either. For those who are curious this is the event. It seems to be a monthly event by the river in Cambridge: Psyforia
ok, to summarize my situation:
1) Erika doesn't drink at all. She was sober when she met me, though I was drunk. Which means she didn't just like me cause her inhibitions were lowered (a good thing) Though, I'm a little bit embarassed about how drunk I was. I'm nervous about hanging out with someone who doesn't drink (does that sound weird?) cause I use alcohol as a crutch to get over my shyness (duh).
2) She wants to go to a rave. I want to go to a goth night. I'm probably gonna ditch my friends to go hang out with her (unless I can get them to come along). Actually Sarah (crush #1) will probably be at xmortis, so in a sense, I am choosing between Sarah (crush #1) and Erika (crush #2), lol. Since Sarah is seeing someone else (it appears), the choice is obvious.
3) She is really strange. This might be a good thing, though. Either way, she isn't what I was expecting her to be like.
4) She mentioned another guy (who she just met and has been calling her). The fact that she talked about that bothers me.
Please send me some advice! Once again, I don't wanna fuck this up
And now for the daily wtf. While I was sitting here writing this, Sarah (crush #1) sent me this text message:
Yeah, wtf?! At first I was confused and a little bit flattered especially since she has been flaking out on going out recently (I haven't seen her since she got back from vacation). Then I thought about it and realized that she probably meant to send that to Shoes, not to me (we have the same first name)
. How embarassing. Always one to make an awkward situation more awkward, I texted her back and called her on it. "That was meant for Shoes, wasn't it, lol"
In other news, Chemlab last night was AWESOME. I hung with Sid and Salo777. It was all my old friends from ManRay. I've rarely felt more at home. The place wasn't that packed but the band had the energy as if they were playing to a crowd of thousands. The lead singer rolled around on the floor and jumped into the crowd and ran around. It was awesome. I drank and danced and had a great time. Somehow I managed to sped $80. I don't know how that happened, lol.
I leave you all with a pic of Sid I took with my crappy camera phone (actually it's awesome but it has no flash).

I wasn't expecting her to call back, but about a half an hour later she did. At first we talked about ManRay and the party where we met and how she thought that I was hilarious. I was modest and mentioned how people either find me really funny or really annoying and that I try to hang with the people who find me funny, although I pointed out that I'm considerably less funny to people when they are sober. She told me that neither she or her friend Josh drink at all and that they were completely sober that night they met me. Oops...(I was fairly drunk). She wanted to know who said that about me. I told her my friends and she got pissed that people make generalizations like, "if you are having a good time, you must be drunk". Anyways, I've been tending to fall for women who are alcoholics recently, and well, she is the complete opposite. I just hope she doesn't look negatively on me cause I drink.
We talked about the meteor shower tonight about how she is planning on going to night school in the fall and about the bathrooms at ManRay. The conversation jumped around a lot and didn't really seem to have any direction. One thing that she mentioned that bothered me, though, was that she whined about a boy that she met on the last night of ManRay who had been calling her and leaving her messages but not leaving his number and she couldn't find his number and she wanted to talk to him. wtf?! I did't want to hear that. Even weirder was that was the night that I met her too. Actually, chances are I know the boy or someone who knows him, lol. Luckily, at least I always left my number so she was able to call me

So, we talked about tomorrow night and I told her about xmortis and she told me that she was planning on going to a rave, cause she is a more of a raver than a goth. She told me I should go along, but I told her I really wanted to go to xmortis 'cause all of my friends are gonna be there. You see my dilemma -- go to xmortis with all my friends and have a pretty much guarenteed good time? Or hang out a rave with this girl I barely know? I'm leaning towards the rave actually. I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get to know a girl who actually might like me for once! Except I've never really been to a rave before (though I've listened to a ton of electronic (in this case psy-trance) music). I have no idea what to wear to a rave either. For those who are curious this is the event. It seems to be a monthly event by the river in Cambridge: Psyforia
ok, to summarize my situation:
1) Erika doesn't drink at all. She was sober when she met me, though I was drunk. Which means she didn't just like me cause her inhibitions were lowered (a good thing) Though, I'm a little bit embarassed about how drunk I was. I'm nervous about hanging out with someone who doesn't drink (does that sound weird?) cause I use alcohol as a crutch to get over my shyness (duh).
2) She wants to go to a rave. I want to go to a goth night. I'm probably gonna ditch my friends to go hang out with her (unless I can get them to come along). Actually Sarah (crush #1) will probably be at xmortis, so in a sense, I am choosing between Sarah (crush #1) and Erika (crush #2), lol. Since Sarah is seeing someone else (it appears), the choice is obvious.
3) She is really strange. This might be a good thing, though. Either way, she isn't what I was expecting her to be like.
4) She mentioned another guy (who she just met and has been calling her). The fact that she talked about that bothers me.
Please send me some advice! Once again, I don't wanna fuck this up

And now for the daily wtf. While I was sitting here writing this, Sarah (crush #1) sent me this text message:
Yeah, wtf?! At first I was confused and a little bit flattered especially since she has been flaking out on going out recently (I haven't seen her since she got back from vacation). Then I thought about it and realized that she probably meant to send that to Shoes, not to me (we have the same first name)

In other news, Chemlab last night was AWESOME. I hung with Sid and Salo777. It was all my old friends from ManRay. I've rarely felt more at home. The place wasn't that packed but the band had the energy as if they were playing to a crowd of thousands. The lead singer rolled around on the floor and jumped into the crowd and ran around. It was awesome. I drank and danced and had a great time. Somehow I managed to sped $80. I don't know how that happened, lol.

I leave you all with a pic of Sid I took with my crappy camera phone (actually it's awesome but it has no flash).

See yas again soon, though =)