Happy Halloween Everybody!
On Saturday I went to two Halloween parties. The first was a pumpkin-carving party hosted by Johnathan, a former co-worker of mine. I don't really know Johnathan that well - I had only been working at my job, maybe 3 months when he left. He was in the creative department so we didn't work together, but we had mutual friends at work and we ate lunch in the same group sometimes. He left to go work at Homestarrunner which is the coolest website! He writes all of their games. Check it out yo.
Anyways, I was sort of surprised that I was invited to his party. Unfortunately, the three other people from work that he invited couldn't make it, so I knew absolutely no one there (besides Johnathan). Everyone else there was old friends, so I *really* felt out of place. And I don't think I helped my situation at all by carving a Yankee logo on my pumpkin - since about, oh 80% of the guests were wearing Red Sox hats and about half were wearing Red Sox jerseys or "2004 World Champions" shirts (including Johnathan). I guess thats just the way I am - I like to cause trouble . I told everyone I was going for the "scariest" pumpkin award.
I enjoyed the party, I guess. I mean, I'm happy I went and I think Johnathan is really cool, and I made an effort to introduce myself to everyone I could, though I'll never see any of them again and I've already forgotten all of their names. Like always, I'm on the lookout for single women, but this party seemed to be only couples. Out of the 25 people who were there, I don't think any of the women were single. There was one who really caught my eye, but she left very early, before I had a chance to talk to her.
As I was leaving, I notice I had a message on my cell phone and 3 missed calls - all from Melissa! Seems she must have been really bored and she wanted to know what I was doing that evening. Well, I had another Halloween party to go to, so I asked her if she wanted to go along. Now, this is kind of funny - I was invited to the party by my friend George. George is Christina's ex-boyfriend. Christina is my best friend Shawn's (who I was roommates with for, like 8 years) current girlfriend. Melissa is Shawn's ex-girlfriend (they dated for 2 1/2 years and broke up 1 1/2 years ago). To make things even more confusing, George is Christina's step-brother. In fact, that is how they met - their parents set them up, Christina moved to Boston to be with George originally. Anyways, George currently lives with Shawn and Christina since he sold his house. He is moving to South Africa in a week. I'm going to really miss him.
So, George invited me to this party. Normally, Shawn and Christina would be there, but they are in Texas training a cockatoo or something. I didn't know the host(s) of the party at all. In fact, I didn't know anyone except for George. I called him and he said it was ok if I brought Melissa along.
At first, the party was really awkward. Everyone was looking at Melissa and I like, "who the hell are these people?" We were wearing costumes, so I thought we fit in. I'm not sure what was so odd. I brought caramel apples that I had picked and made to try to break the ice. After a while, things seemed to relax, though I proceeded to make the most horrible series of social faux pas (what IS the plural of that word). First, I commented on how empty the party seemed and I was told that there were more people there earlier. For some inexplicalbe reason I said, "Oh, I guess all the cool people left." I really don't know why I said that. I really though I had grown out of saying things like that. A little bit later, I was talking to one of the hostesses who had two guinea pigs. I asked her if they were for "food" or "pets". She was a little, hmm, creeped out. The last time I was around guinea pigs was in Ecuador, where they are raised for food. Anyways, I was half joking. The third blunder was a little later - after I had had a bit to drink. I was talking to George and I was trying to carefully ask him what was going to happen between him and his gf, since he was moving to South Africa. I had heard rumors that they had just broken up. I tried to be discreet, but my inebriation made it difficult, and basically he said to me "this is a conversation we should have one-on-one later". Oops. And this was right after I had mentioned Margaret's family tragedy (he had asked how our night out had gone and I had to explain to him why it never happened) and my ex-gf who was coming to visit and how she was sick and in coma and all that (long story). So I was kind of a party-killer. Gosh, I haven't messed up like that it so long.
Things got a little better after that. I made Melissa the most disgusting drink ever. I started with Southern Comfort, added some Perrier, and well, I figured it needed some more alcohol so I poured in what I thought was plain vodka. Turns out it was some kind of blue-colored blue raspberry vodka - It made a bright green drink. I thought it tasted fine (but what did I know - I had already had a few drinks myself).
Again, I was on the lookout for single women (nothing was going to happen with Melissa - why does she even hang out with me? I don't get it.) Again, it seemed like there was only couples. One woman was there - she may have been single, I think I had met her before at one of Shawn's parties, she liked to go to Manray, we talked about that, but thats as far as that went.
George (or someone) asked how Melissa and I met. Apparentally, George didn't know! Melissa had told me not to tell anyone that she was Shawn's ex-gf and she dodged the issue by saying we went to college together. Which is sort of true...except I graduated before she even started college! Oh, and Melissa didn't know that George was Christina's ex-bf. I'm supposed to keep that a secret too - I'm supposed to say he is her "step-brother" now. Well, later in the night, when Melissa was in the bathroom, I whispered to George "Melissa is Shawn's ex-gf". He was like "wtf?" Definitely, a bit shocked there. I'm sure he was really curious about her. He is kind of like the big brother I never had. Always concerned about me and he gives me advice on my love life.
Towards the end of the party, one of the hostesses got out her guitar and started playing and singing for us. Three of the guests got together with her and they sang an acapella version of No Doubt's "Hella Good." And then it hit me.
I had actually *met all these people before*. That girl and those guys singing - well, they were the acapella group that sang at Shawn's housewarming party. Except she had short hair, and not long red hair (obviously a wig which was part of her costume). And that undead girl - that was Steve's gf! I had met her before too! I am such an idiot. It was such a Wizard of Oz moment. Here I am acting like its the first time, I had met them all or something, when in reality, I had met them all earlier this past summer. I don't know if it was the costumes or what.
The music was the best part. Alyssa, the hostess has such a great voice and is a decent guitar player too. Steve is a great guitar player and a great singer too. And Melissa even sang a little too. And Melissa is an awesome awesome singer. I wish she would sing more. Even as much as I hated living with her (back when she was dating Shawn), I really miss how she used to walk around the apartment and sing. I am such a sucker for that stuff. That and perfume.
I would say that the party was fun. I took Melissa at home at about 1:45am. I got really lost driving her home but she didn't really mind. She seemed to have had fun and for Melissa who is pretty hard to please and tends to "hate" parties - especially ones where she doesn't know anyone - that is a big deal. Even though I kind of think she is using me [as a surrogate gf it seems?], it is fun hanging out with her, and Thursdays have kind of become our night to hang out. Instead of just drinking, we now have plans to watch movies when we don't feel like alcohol.
On Saturday I went to two Halloween parties. The first was a pumpkin-carving party hosted by Johnathan, a former co-worker of mine. I don't really know Johnathan that well - I had only been working at my job, maybe 3 months when he left. He was in the creative department so we didn't work together, but we had mutual friends at work and we ate lunch in the same group sometimes. He left to go work at Homestarrunner which is the coolest website! He writes all of their games. Check it out yo.
Anyways, I was sort of surprised that I was invited to his party. Unfortunately, the three other people from work that he invited couldn't make it, so I knew absolutely no one there (besides Johnathan). Everyone else there was old friends, so I *really* felt out of place. And I don't think I helped my situation at all by carving a Yankee logo on my pumpkin - since about, oh 80% of the guests were wearing Red Sox hats and about half were wearing Red Sox jerseys or "2004 World Champions" shirts (including Johnathan). I guess thats just the way I am - I like to cause trouble . I told everyone I was going for the "scariest" pumpkin award.
I enjoyed the party, I guess. I mean, I'm happy I went and I think Johnathan is really cool, and I made an effort to introduce myself to everyone I could, though I'll never see any of them again and I've already forgotten all of their names. Like always, I'm on the lookout for single women, but this party seemed to be only couples. Out of the 25 people who were there, I don't think any of the women were single. There was one who really caught my eye, but she left very early, before I had a chance to talk to her.
As I was leaving, I notice I had a message on my cell phone and 3 missed calls - all from Melissa! Seems she must have been really bored and she wanted to know what I was doing that evening. Well, I had another Halloween party to go to, so I asked her if she wanted to go along. Now, this is kind of funny - I was invited to the party by my friend George. George is Christina's ex-boyfriend. Christina is my best friend Shawn's (who I was roommates with for, like 8 years) current girlfriend. Melissa is Shawn's ex-girlfriend (they dated for 2 1/2 years and broke up 1 1/2 years ago). To make things even more confusing, George is Christina's step-brother. In fact, that is how they met - their parents set them up, Christina moved to Boston to be with George originally. Anyways, George currently lives with Shawn and Christina since he sold his house. He is moving to South Africa in a week. I'm going to really miss him.
So, George invited me to this party. Normally, Shawn and Christina would be there, but they are in Texas training a cockatoo or something. I didn't know the host(s) of the party at all. In fact, I didn't know anyone except for George. I called him and he said it was ok if I brought Melissa along.
At first, the party was really awkward. Everyone was looking at Melissa and I like, "who the hell are these people?" We were wearing costumes, so I thought we fit in. I'm not sure what was so odd. I brought caramel apples that I had picked and made to try to break the ice. After a while, things seemed to relax, though I proceeded to make the most horrible series of social faux pas (what IS the plural of that word). First, I commented on how empty the party seemed and I was told that there were more people there earlier. For some inexplicalbe reason I said, "Oh, I guess all the cool people left." I really don't know why I said that. I really though I had grown out of saying things like that. A little bit later, I was talking to one of the hostesses who had two guinea pigs. I asked her if they were for "food" or "pets". She was a little, hmm, creeped out. The last time I was around guinea pigs was in Ecuador, where they are raised for food. Anyways, I was half joking. The third blunder was a little later - after I had had a bit to drink. I was talking to George and I was trying to carefully ask him what was going to happen between him and his gf, since he was moving to South Africa. I had heard rumors that they had just broken up. I tried to be discreet, but my inebriation made it difficult, and basically he said to me "this is a conversation we should have one-on-one later". Oops. And this was right after I had mentioned Margaret's family tragedy (he had asked how our night out had gone and I had to explain to him why it never happened) and my ex-gf who was coming to visit and how she was sick and in coma and all that (long story). So I was kind of a party-killer. Gosh, I haven't messed up like that it so long.
Things got a little better after that. I made Melissa the most disgusting drink ever. I started with Southern Comfort, added some Perrier, and well, I figured it needed some more alcohol so I poured in what I thought was plain vodka. Turns out it was some kind of blue-colored blue raspberry vodka - It made a bright green drink. I thought it tasted fine (but what did I know - I had already had a few drinks myself).
Again, I was on the lookout for single women (nothing was going to happen with Melissa - why does she even hang out with me? I don't get it.) Again, it seemed like there was only couples. One woman was there - she may have been single, I think I had met her before at one of Shawn's parties, she liked to go to Manray, we talked about that, but thats as far as that went.
George (or someone) asked how Melissa and I met. Apparentally, George didn't know! Melissa had told me not to tell anyone that she was Shawn's ex-gf and she dodged the issue by saying we went to college together. Which is sort of true...except I graduated before she even started college! Oh, and Melissa didn't know that George was Christina's ex-bf. I'm supposed to keep that a secret too - I'm supposed to say he is her "step-brother" now. Well, later in the night, when Melissa was in the bathroom, I whispered to George "Melissa is Shawn's ex-gf". He was like "wtf?" Definitely, a bit shocked there. I'm sure he was really curious about her. He is kind of like the big brother I never had. Always concerned about me and he gives me advice on my love life.
Towards the end of the party, one of the hostesses got out her guitar and started playing and singing for us. Three of the guests got together with her and they sang an acapella version of No Doubt's "Hella Good." And then it hit me.
I had actually *met all these people before*. That girl and those guys singing - well, they were the acapella group that sang at Shawn's housewarming party. Except she had short hair, and not long red hair (obviously a wig which was part of her costume). And that undead girl - that was Steve's gf! I had met her before too! I am such an idiot. It was such a Wizard of Oz moment. Here I am acting like its the first time, I had met them all or something, when in reality, I had met them all earlier this past summer. I don't know if it was the costumes or what.
The music was the best part. Alyssa, the hostess has such a great voice and is a decent guitar player too. Steve is a great guitar player and a great singer too. And Melissa even sang a little too. And Melissa is an awesome awesome singer. I wish she would sing more. Even as much as I hated living with her (back when she was dating Shawn), I really miss how she used to walk around the apartment and sing. I am such a sucker for that stuff. That and perfume.
I would say that the party was fun. I took Melissa at home at about 1:45am. I got really lost driving her home but she didn't really mind. She seemed to have had fun and for Melissa who is pretty hard to please and tends to "hate" parties - especially ones where she doesn't know anyone - that is a big deal. Even though I kind of think she is using me [as a surrogate gf it seems?], it is fun hanging out with her, and Thursdays have kind of become our night to hang out. Instead of just drinking, we now have plans to watch movies when we don't feel like alcohol.
Fungus( it starts out as a tiny little thing and stays on a person's mind like forever) tends to be a good thing. My old boyfriend and I started out as just purely friends(he was roomates with my boyfriend before him). He and I became just really really good friends who hang out at least once a week just to shoot the shit for like the longest time. Then one day, he basically comforted me in the nicest way when i was in trouble/depression..then we ended up sleeping together and wheeew it was uncomfortable at first but we both realized how much we loved eachother... we were together for 3 years and we ended up breaking up but we are still best of friends cuz we know we are always going to be there for eachother (hence our basis is friendship).
Okay it's getting so long lol. Anyways all I wanted to tell u is that ur relationship with Mellisa is a very interesting one. Sometimes, friends are all we need to base things to start any strong realtionships...