I haven't posted in a long time because I seem to have lost the ability to write coherent journal entries these days. It's not like there is nothing going on. I just can't seem to start them. And when I feel inspired, I'm just too busy. Today is no different...
It's just so cold in here. So cold. My heat doesn't seem to work very well. It's been on for over three hours and it's only 2 degrees warmer than when it started (62 degrees now)...
My only goal for the night was to get someone to come over and sleep in my bed and keep me warm...
I was actually supposed to hang out with Sarah tonight. I've been blowing her off... for obvious reasons. But I do really want to see her. And she generates a lot of heat. I'm not kidding about that. Last time she was here (it must have been almost a month ago), she slept over and she was so warm. I told her that in the morning and she laughed and told me her bf and her sister and well, pretty much her whole family has told her the same thing. She just radiates a lot of heat and thus is very good to have near you on a cold cold winter night when your heat doesn't work and you can see your breath in the bedroom...
But she bailed. Her sister showed up unexpectidly. No big deal.
Leila... well, I didn't make too much of an effort to contact Leila tonight. Besides, 100 pounds of anorexic blonde, the majority of the weight in her chest, won't keep me very warm. Especially since she always sleeps crack head style, in the tighest fetal position she can manage...
Which leaves.. well really no one. But sort of Jill. Jill stayed until 6am Monday, much of it cuddled on the couch with me. Who cares if she is a lesbian, she is a very bad at being one. Besides I'm not looking for anything more and she seems to appreciate the affection as much as I do. So I was quite happy when she texted me this evening and invited me out to Toast. There were a few issues though... issues that led me to drive around Boston for an hour picking up people in order to appease Gary. But in the end she came back to my place. We danced again... but tonight was cut short because one of her friends needed to sleep. Some dancing and a hug and here I am again alone and cold, almost 3am. At least I'll get some sleep.
I'm going to go bury myself under my covers now. I know my cats will join me at aleast. They are just as cold as I am.
It's just so cold in here. So cold. My heat doesn't seem to work very well. It's been on for over three hours and it's only 2 degrees warmer than when it started (62 degrees now)...
My only goal for the night was to get someone to come over and sleep in my bed and keep me warm...
I was actually supposed to hang out with Sarah tonight. I've been blowing her off... for obvious reasons. But I do really want to see her. And she generates a lot of heat. I'm not kidding about that. Last time she was here (it must have been almost a month ago), she slept over and she was so warm. I told her that in the morning and she laughed and told me her bf and her sister and well, pretty much her whole family has told her the same thing. She just radiates a lot of heat and thus is very good to have near you on a cold cold winter night when your heat doesn't work and you can see your breath in the bedroom...
But she bailed. Her sister showed up unexpectidly. No big deal.
Leila... well, I didn't make too much of an effort to contact Leila tonight. Besides, 100 pounds of anorexic blonde, the majority of the weight in her chest, won't keep me very warm. Especially since she always sleeps crack head style, in the tighest fetal position she can manage...
Which leaves.. well really no one. But sort of Jill. Jill stayed until 6am Monday, much of it cuddled on the couch with me. Who cares if she is a lesbian, she is a very bad at being one. Besides I'm not looking for anything more and she seems to appreciate the affection as much as I do. So I was quite happy when she texted me this evening and invited me out to Toast. There were a few issues though... issues that led me to drive around Boston for an hour picking up people in order to appease Gary. But in the end she came back to my place. We danced again... but tonight was cut short because one of her friends needed to sleep. Some dancing and a hug and here I am again alone and cold, almost 3am. At least I'll get some sleep.
I'm going to go bury myself under my covers now. I know my cats will join me at aleast. They are just as cold as I am.

i hear you man. how was toast?