ok, I'm really bad at following through on parties these days. The Two Coreys Marathon didn't happen last night. Mostly because I realized I had to go to a conference for work today, and I had to be there before 8:30am. Which means I had to wake up at 6:45 this morning, which is over two hours earlier than I normally wake up even on a weekday, let alone a weekend! So today really feels like Monday to me because I worked all day. I can't believe the work week hasn't even really started yet. It was a beautiful day outside today, too. Too bad I was in a dark, freezing cold convention hall classroom watching fellow geeks ramble on about pixel shaders. Dogbert was right, there are no women at technology conventions. It's such a change from my Friday (Jack's Mannequin concert at Great Woods) and Saturday (Singing Beach in Manchaster-by-the-sea).
Let's rewind a little bit, shall we. Friday I took Sid to see Jack's Mannequin. For those of you who don't kow who Jack's Mannequin is, and I'm guessing that's pretty much all of you, it is Andrew, the lead singer/songwriter for Something Corporate's solo project. While they are definitely targetted towards the teenage girl demographic, I find their music to be entertaining and quite listenable, although perhaps overly emo at times. No matter, Sid and I realized that we really don't like happy music anyways. It was fun to walk around and torment the little girls there and yes, most of them were way too young, but the older ones... omg, when did they start making so *many* attractive girls? None of them were even approaching my age though. They weren't even approaching my range which I've extended a bit below (and above too, just so you know) my age. I guess there were *very few* guys there and *lots* of girls. After the show, we said hello to the lead singer, Andrew. He remembered Sid (they are old friends) and was happy to see her. It made her night, and I was happy to see her so happy. We also won Jimmy Buffet tickets although we might actually get tickets to another show instead because there was some complication with the contest...ugh, I don't want to get into it here, but let's just say I screamed and yelled and caused a scene at the Trojan booth until the manager made some phone calls for us. I wasn't really upset, I just knew I'd have to throw a fit in order for us to get the tickets we rightfully won. Sid had never seen me be that way before.
Saturday I woke up to two phone messages on my phone. Both from girls wanting to know if I wanted to go to the beach. So of course, I went. Anna flaked out and decided she didn't want to go (even though she had just left a message to ask me), so I went with Christina and LIlly instead. Christina is my best friend Shawn's gf and Lilly is their umbrella cockatoo. She takes Lilly everywhere, he is a such a good bird, and he loves the beach. Between the bird and all the fancy box kites I like to fly, we get *a lot* of attention when we go to the beach. Next time we are gonna bring a sign that says "pictures with the bird, $1". At one point I was talking to three lovely young ladies about the bird and I noticed the guys next to me were watching. As the girls walked away I heard them exclaim to each other, "dude, that guy is getting *all* the women with that bird". Lilly is *perfect* as a conversation starter and ice breaker, but I really need to learn how to seal the deal - to take it a little bit further and get to know these women better without coming on too strong and seeming creepy. That's the hardest part. It's easy making small talk. It's hard getting a phone number, at least when you aren't in a situation when that is the norm (ie. not at a bar or party). Anyways, the beach was great. Again, *tons* of beautiful women.
I admit it seems like I'm girl crazy these days, and I'm not sure why that is. I see dozens and dozens of attractive women around everywhere and I can't help but think, won't just one of them go out with me? I know that sounds pathetic - I don't mean it to sound that way. I'm not feeling pathetic or desperate right now, but perhaps a bit anxious. I've never been a very patient person, and I hate being single when I know everyone out there is having a good time. I also want to go on a vacation somewhere - my boss is even trying to convince me to go away, but I don't really have anyone I could go with. So, I think about girls a lot. Perhaps it's because it's going to be the one year anniversary of the last time I ... well, you know. Maybe I should throw a party to celebrate or lament that fact - it's an idea a friend gave me. It's weird because in the past year, I've probably been somewhat interested in two dozen women, made out with a dozen, had more than a dozen sleep over in bed (with nothing happening with almost all) and actually hooking up with maybe 4 or so, but it never quite led to sex. It's always went nowhere and often even ended in disaster.
The rest of the week is a conference and I feel like taking Friday off because I worked on Sunday. I'm considering going to six flags with my friends, maybe Josh and Sid and Christina. Or maybe we'll go to the beach again. Next Saturday I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a party. But there is a chance I might go home to NY to see my family and hang out with Natalie. I need to talk to Natalie as soon as I can to find out if she is going to be around because I'm sure everyone is going to want to know if a party is happening as soon as possible.
As for the Two Coreys Marathon it *will* happen. I don't have a definite date on that yet, though.
Let's rewind a little bit, shall we. Friday I took Sid to see Jack's Mannequin. For those of you who don't kow who Jack's Mannequin is, and I'm guessing that's pretty much all of you, it is Andrew, the lead singer/songwriter for Something Corporate's solo project. While they are definitely targetted towards the teenage girl demographic, I find their music to be entertaining and quite listenable, although perhaps overly emo at times. No matter, Sid and I realized that we really don't like happy music anyways. It was fun to walk around and torment the little girls there and yes, most of them were way too young, but the older ones... omg, when did they start making so *many* attractive girls? None of them were even approaching my age though. They weren't even approaching my range which I've extended a bit below (and above too, just so you know) my age. I guess there were *very few* guys there and *lots* of girls. After the show, we said hello to the lead singer, Andrew. He remembered Sid (they are old friends) and was happy to see her. It made her night, and I was happy to see her so happy. We also won Jimmy Buffet tickets although we might actually get tickets to another show instead because there was some complication with the contest...ugh, I don't want to get into it here, but let's just say I screamed and yelled and caused a scene at the Trojan booth until the manager made some phone calls for us. I wasn't really upset, I just knew I'd have to throw a fit in order for us to get the tickets we rightfully won. Sid had never seen me be that way before.
Saturday I woke up to two phone messages on my phone. Both from girls wanting to know if I wanted to go to the beach. So of course, I went. Anna flaked out and decided she didn't want to go (even though she had just left a message to ask me), so I went with Christina and LIlly instead. Christina is my best friend Shawn's gf and Lilly is their umbrella cockatoo. She takes Lilly everywhere, he is a such a good bird, and he loves the beach. Between the bird and all the fancy box kites I like to fly, we get *a lot* of attention when we go to the beach. Next time we are gonna bring a sign that says "pictures with the bird, $1". At one point I was talking to three lovely young ladies about the bird and I noticed the guys next to me were watching. As the girls walked away I heard them exclaim to each other, "dude, that guy is getting *all* the women with that bird". Lilly is *perfect* as a conversation starter and ice breaker, but I really need to learn how to seal the deal - to take it a little bit further and get to know these women better without coming on too strong and seeming creepy. That's the hardest part. It's easy making small talk. It's hard getting a phone number, at least when you aren't in a situation when that is the norm (ie. not at a bar or party). Anyways, the beach was great. Again, *tons* of beautiful women.
I admit it seems like I'm girl crazy these days, and I'm not sure why that is. I see dozens and dozens of attractive women around everywhere and I can't help but think, won't just one of them go out with me? I know that sounds pathetic - I don't mean it to sound that way. I'm not feeling pathetic or desperate right now, but perhaps a bit anxious. I've never been a very patient person, and I hate being single when I know everyone out there is having a good time. I also want to go on a vacation somewhere - my boss is even trying to convince me to go away, but I don't really have anyone I could go with. So, I think about girls a lot. Perhaps it's because it's going to be the one year anniversary of the last time I ... well, you know. Maybe I should throw a party to celebrate or lament that fact - it's an idea a friend gave me. It's weird because in the past year, I've probably been somewhat interested in two dozen women, made out with a dozen, had more than a dozen sleep over in bed (with nothing happening with almost all) and actually hooking up with maybe 4 or so, but it never quite led to sex. It's always went nowhere and often even ended in disaster.
The rest of the week is a conference and I feel like taking Friday off because I worked on Sunday. I'm considering going to six flags with my friends, maybe Josh and Sid and Christina. Or maybe we'll go to the beach again. Next Saturday I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a party. But there is a chance I might go home to NY to see my family and hang out with Natalie. I need to talk to Natalie as soon as I can to find out if she is going to be around because I'm sure everyone is going to want to know if a party is happening as soon as possible.
As for the Two Coreys Marathon it *will* happen. I don't have a definite date on that yet, though.
let's go to the animal planet expo in topsfield and bring our kitties on leashes!
(so kidding)

Haha! I have a cat leash....old ladies laugh at me when I take the cat for a walk around the condo....They try to pat Pasquale and he recoils in horror...but goes nowhere cuz' hes on a cat leash. haha!