I asked my brother today why I seem to attract teenage girls and he told me it was because I had the mentality of one. Seriously, though, why is it that every girl I meet these days and we hit off of and I figure shes prolly 23, maybe 24, turn out to actually be a teenager? We actually usually end up lying to each other about our ages. She not wanting to seem too young and me not wanting to seem too old. Well, I suppose, they are they only ones that appreciate my homestarruner T-shirts, my "cute" car, the dead rose on my dashboard, the Something Corporate CD in my CD player, my obsession with my cats, my manga collection, my cherry-flavored chapstick, my citrus bubblegum, and my irrational love of the color blue. Not that there is anything wrong with teenage girls, I guess, but my friends think it's scandalous.
I saw a band last night who had an old dude in the back playing a theremin. One song even featured a theremin solo: "And now...here is so-an-so on the theremin!!" wooowooooowooooooooo. I was laughing so hard I went into conniptions. Wow, I'm easily amused. That was worth the seven dollar cover alone. I guess I have a very immature attitude towards life.
I lasted three days on my diet. On Sunday I finally decided to cook one of the phase 2 south beach pizzas and see what I had to look forward to. As I expected, it tasted like ass. I couldn't even finish it. The diet was over, right then and there. I went out and consumed two vodka + red bulls, and today I was back to my normal eating habits. I feel much better about myself. I actually feel like I lost 5 pounds during that three days of hell. The weird thing is, I'm not fat at all. If I was 10lb lighter no one would ever think I was fat (few people think it now). I just wanna be a skinny goth boy, although I have a very muscular broad build.
How can I sit here, at work, nearly 30 (yet still the youngest person in the company) and act this way? I bet some of my co-workers have daughters as old as the girls I've been hanging out with. (hmmm, I have to keep that in mind ). There comes a time in your life when you have to grow up. I have yet to reach that time.
I saw a band last night who had an old dude in the back playing a theremin. One song even featured a theremin solo: "And now...here is so-an-so on the theremin!!" wooowooooowooooooooo. I was laughing so hard I went into conniptions. Wow, I'm easily amused. That was worth the seven dollar cover alone. I guess I have a very immature attitude towards life.
I lasted three days on my diet. On Sunday I finally decided to cook one of the phase 2 south beach pizzas and see what I had to look forward to. As I expected, it tasted like ass. I couldn't even finish it. The diet was over, right then and there. I went out and consumed two vodka + red bulls, and today I was back to my normal eating habits. I feel much better about myself. I actually feel like I lost 5 pounds during that three days of hell. The weird thing is, I'm not fat at all. If I was 10lb lighter no one would ever think I was fat (few people think it now). I just wanna be a skinny goth boy, although I have a very muscular broad build.
How can I sit here, at work, nearly 30 (yet still the youngest person in the company) and act this way? I bet some of my co-workers have daughters as old as the girls I've been hanging out with. (hmmm, I have to keep that in mind ). There comes a time in your life when you have to grow up. I have yet to reach that time.
When did you get a job? I thought you were still working the unemployment angle?