Kind of a random update...
My sister bought me "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" for Christmas. It was actually a surprisingly funny movie. I identified with the main character for some reason
... Anyways, I was watching the directors commentary afterwards and during the chest wax scene I hear the director/writer say something like, "oh yeah, my friend writer Nick Stoller was visitng and he came up with that line." I almost fell out of my seat. Nick Stoller was a classmate of mine at college, not exactly a close friend, but I knew him since freshman year. He was also in the same improv group as my roommate. Anyways, I'm sure its the same Nick Stoller. Last time I heard about him he was writing for the short-lived TV series "Undeclared" -- which was also created by the same director/writer of "The 40-Year-Old Virgin". So that must be how they met. I just looked him up on IMDB and noticed that he is a co-writer of the new movie "Fun with Dick and Jane" (I'm sure you've heard of it, it's the new Jim Carrey movie that just came out a week or two ago. Anyways, one of the other co-writers is (not suprisingly) the writer of 40-year-old virgin that I mentioned before. As for Nick, I never really thought he was terribly funny but he was very tall and very ambitious. I think he comped the Lampoon 4 times before they let him in. Most people would have given up by then. It's so exciting to hear about my former classmates who are going on to do great things. I just heard about a girl who I was friends with in college with who just argued in front of some court... I don't remember what it was called but it was the one right below the supreme court of the US. She won. I'm happy for all of them, but at the same time it makes me wonder what the hell I'm doing with my life, heh.
By the way the line Nick came up with -- for those of you who have seen it -- was "It looks like you're a man-o-lantern." Heh.
I found out today that the Encyclopedia Brittanica kid is a SG member. Yeah, you know who I mean. He was that annoying nerdy kid on the Encyclopedia commercials back in the late-80's and early-90's. You know the ones. He was like, "Remember me? I was writing a report on space." and then he talks about how he "scored a B+" and flips through the books and says "I always wondered where my mandibula was."
Anyways, not only is he an SG memeber, but he has a rather detailed porn blog! In fact, he may be the biggest pervert I know
. (ok, I don't really know him, but you know what I mean). I found out this all from a girl I knew from long ago -- I hadn't seen her in well over ten years and I saw her again today, and apparently she lives in LA now and used to date him. Heh. Clever people should be able to find his porn blog if you look hard enough.
It's worth checking out.
My sister bought me "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" for Christmas. It was actually a surprisingly funny movie. I identified with the main character for some reason

By the way the line Nick came up with -- for those of you who have seen it -- was "It looks like you're a man-o-lantern." Heh.
I found out today that the Encyclopedia Brittanica kid is a SG member. Yeah, you know who I mean. He was that annoying nerdy kid on the Encyclopedia commercials back in the late-80's and early-90's. You know the ones. He was like, "Remember me? I was writing a report on space." and then he talks about how he "scored a B+" and flips through the books and says "I always wondered where my mandibula was."
Anyways, not only is he an SG memeber, but he has a rather detailed porn blog! In fact, he may be the biggest pervert I know

It's kinda like being the guy who wrote the book Killing Bono, minus the actual closeness and book deal and the relationship with a rock icon. But you get the idea.