Last night I went to Club Hell in Providence with Thea for Fetish's birthday party. I saw Sleep, Blitz, and Aries there. I was also surprised to see Scarlett and her friend Amanda there too (since they live way up north in NH). Later on nitemare0282 showed up and afterwards he and Thea and me went to IHOP. Hell was fun (though it smells like ass) but by the time we were drunk enough to really have fun it was time to go home
. Thea is a lot of fun to hang out with though. I hope we can get together again soon.
Today I drove Thea back to school in Leicester. She had a final at 1pm. I got her there *just* as her final was starting. Stupid mapquest directions.
She seemed very nervous about it. I hope she does well.
Tomorrow I'm flying out to Seattle for a job interview. The job is in Boston but I have to be approved by the president of the company who lives in Seattle before they will hire me. I figure I have a good chance of getting the job if they are paying for me to fly out there. I don't really want to go as traveling is such a pain, but at least I'll get to hang out with goo1boy when I'm there!
This is a pretty bland journal entry. It seems like even though I've been going out a lot, not much has been going on. I guess it's sort of a in-between period for me right now. I don't really have any crushes or not even really any girls I'm interested in right now. Well, there are girls I am interested in, but not any that I have a chance with. I dunno, hopefully I'll meet some more people soon. I don't want to stagnate.
I need to get some rest now. I've drive almost 300 miles since 7pm last night.

Today I drove Thea back to school in Leicester. She had a final at 1pm. I got her there *just* as her final was starting. Stupid mapquest directions.

Tomorrow I'm flying out to Seattle for a job interview. The job is in Boston but I have to be approved by the president of the company who lives in Seattle before they will hire me. I figure I have a good chance of getting the job if they are paying for me to fly out there. I don't really want to go as traveling is such a pain, but at least I'll get to hang out with goo1boy when I'm there!

This is a pretty bland journal entry. It seems like even though I've been going out a lot, not much has been going on. I guess it's sort of a in-between period for me right now. I don't really have any crushes or not even really any girls I'm interested in right now. Well, there are girls I am interested in, but not any that I have a chance with. I dunno, hopefully I'll meet some more people soon. I don't want to stagnate.
I need to get some rest now. I've drive almost 300 miles since 7pm last night.

And if I did poorly, I had a good time so it doesn't matter too much.