Today is my least favorite holiday. I'm not particularly fond of the food. Even after being soaked in brine overnight, turkey is so dry and tasteless, Why do we celebrate eating this bird?? Why do we celebrate eating anything? I'd be much happier eating sushi or pizza or even spaghetti. I think Sid's family has the right idea. They go to Aruba every Thanksgiving.
That girl hasn't called back of course. I didn't expect she'd call on Thanksgiving anyways. I'm going to call her again eventually. Although I somewhat agree with the advice I've been given, I just get the feeling that she is expecting me to call her and that if I don't, she isn't going to call me.
Last Monday I called up Sarah2. I hadn't seen her since the Wednesday before when we had the big fight at Toast. We had only talked really briefly on the phone since then. I wanted to talk to her before I went home for Thanksgiving especially since I knew that she would be away next week too. We talked for a little bit and then she invited me over to her place for dinner.
She's an ambitious cook but unfortunately her talent doesn't quite live up to her ambition. Still, I was really grateful to have a home-cooked meal (and two bottles of wine). It was fun to eat and relax and chat with her. Since I hadn't talked to her in what seemed like forever, I had a lot of stories to tell. I started telling her about my Saturday night and the girl I met. I could tell that she wasn't particularly interested in my story, I said to her, "Um, you don't seem very interested in hearing about my weekend, why not?"
"I don't know. I guess I'm not that interested in hearing about your conquests," was her reply. She later apologized and said that "conquests" wasn't quite the right word to use, but I still was a bit annoyed. I was at the part of the story where I drove the girl home and I didn't bother to finish. Let her assume that I had sex with her, I don't care. Since we are "best friends" now and I frequently advise her on her romantic troubles, I figured it would be a reasonable topic of conversation. But apparently she just saw me as an another sleazy guy "chasing tail".
I'm thinking of going back to Boston on Saturday instead of Sunday. That way I can go to Toast Saturday night. My parents won't be happy, but I already came home a day early and I haven't done a thing since I've gotten back so I don't think they will care too much.
I've been talking to Karen, my friend from Philly, a bit online recently. I was really excited to see her over Thanksgiving but she seems a bit depressed. She's alone, in Connecticut, watching her aunts dog. I keep on offering to stop by and cheer her up or invite her over here for some food, but she keeps on saying she wants to be alone. I think it's more that she doesn't want to see me. I have no idea why, though. Last time we were together... well, search back through my journal entries. Anyways, I don't want to get into it now. There is nothing I can do to cheer her up, so I'm just going to let her be. If she doesn't contact me, I'm not going to bother calling her.
I'm reading "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" right now by Haruki Murakami. I am enjoying the book, but it's also depressing me. I identify with the main character somewhat. He's unemployed and his cat goes missing. That's the premise of the book basically. I'm about halfway done now. I'll probably finish it by tomorrow, if things go well.
That girl hasn't called back of course. I didn't expect she'd call on Thanksgiving anyways. I'm going to call her again eventually. Although I somewhat agree with the advice I've been given, I just get the feeling that she is expecting me to call her and that if I don't, she isn't going to call me.
Last Monday I called up Sarah2. I hadn't seen her since the Wednesday before when we had the big fight at Toast. We had only talked really briefly on the phone since then. I wanted to talk to her before I went home for Thanksgiving especially since I knew that she would be away next week too. We talked for a little bit and then she invited me over to her place for dinner.
She's an ambitious cook but unfortunately her talent doesn't quite live up to her ambition. Still, I was really grateful to have a home-cooked meal (and two bottles of wine). It was fun to eat and relax and chat with her. Since I hadn't talked to her in what seemed like forever, I had a lot of stories to tell. I started telling her about my Saturday night and the girl I met. I could tell that she wasn't particularly interested in my story, I said to her, "Um, you don't seem very interested in hearing about my weekend, why not?"
"I don't know. I guess I'm not that interested in hearing about your conquests," was her reply. She later apologized and said that "conquests" wasn't quite the right word to use, but I still was a bit annoyed. I was at the part of the story where I drove the girl home and I didn't bother to finish. Let her assume that I had sex with her, I don't care. Since we are "best friends" now and I frequently advise her on her romantic troubles, I figured it would be a reasonable topic of conversation. But apparently she just saw me as an another sleazy guy "chasing tail".
I'm thinking of going back to Boston on Saturday instead of Sunday. That way I can go to Toast Saturday night. My parents won't be happy, but I already came home a day early and I haven't done a thing since I've gotten back so I don't think they will care too much.
I've been talking to Karen, my friend from Philly, a bit online recently. I was really excited to see her over Thanksgiving but she seems a bit depressed. She's alone, in Connecticut, watching her aunts dog. I keep on offering to stop by and cheer her up or invite her over here for some food, but she keeps on saying she wants to be alone. I think it's more that she doesn't want to see me. I have no idea why, though. Last time we were together... well, search back through my journal entries. Anyways, I don't want to get into it now. There is nothing I can do to cheer her up, so I'm just going to let her be. If she doesn't contact me, I'm not going to bother calling her.
I'm reading "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" right now by Haruki Murakami. I am enjoying the book, but it's also depressing me. I identify with the main character somewhat. He's unemployed and his cat goes missing. That's the premise of the book basically. I'm about halfway done now. I'll probably finish it by tomorrow, if things go well.
thanks hun!

Email me your number and I'll get you all the details.