Ok...well the weekend is over and time to pick a new direction...i saw an old girlfriend today for the first time in several years and fuck, she still has it!...

....too bad she lives i jackson hole...

...well, several of you local SG types are looking to do photo sets at my artspace, so get the word out to your friends, spring is coming up...
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Just wanted to pop in and say hello since it's been such a long time!!!
ok, here's the deal, since elwood and lori left, slc has not been the same...at least we have the sundance/slamdance/lapdance/tromadance film festivals going on in the ole town...also, any of you crazy kats wants to hit "the reverand horton heat", i have passes to the Outdoor Retailers show and have a buddie/lady friend coming in from chicago that wants to hang with us utahns...

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well, julie has come and gone-another visitation from back east...we all have a really good time at the fetish night at area 51...and the reverand horton heat concert kicked ass...

punishme and elwood, we missed your sorry asses-the sundance film festival is rocking, soon to be over frown

...and the outdoor retailer show is rocking and will end tomorrow-it's been fun...if any of you want to help with the "bummer" 4x4 project let us know...
