Slowly getting to understand how to navigate the new site, and there are some nice things about the new site plus some things I do not prefer. Oh well, what can you do but accept the change and embrace it.
This may be last blog for a while, don't think I will be able to access this site during my 6 months being gone to another country that doesn't really accept nudity. I also will be fairly busy so I won't be keeping up with a lot of things. Some of the sacrifices I will have to endure while I out there, but the pay is great for what I will be totally worth it.
On a more personal note, I was trying to begin a relationship with someone I have had feelings for quite some time now. At first she was great, but I think with me being gone for 6 month (plus being gone during the holiday season), she has changed her mind about our relationship. I can understand being a little apprehensive, especially since her last relationship ended fairly badly, but I've known her for a long time and she is acting completely different towards me. So I am giving here space to let her figure out what she wants or if she still wants to be with me when I get back.
Hopefully I will have some cool pics when I finish my 6 months, but I normally am bad about taking photos. We will see.....
Hope all is well for all those in SG land!!!