Well things are changing for me...in a totally different but more enjoyable direction.
I decided to become an intern at a local brewery...basically means that I am an unpaid lackey that is doing a bunch of cleaning and such. But I LOVE it!!!!
I prefer busting my butt to help with the bigger objective, and I do get some primo beer at the end of the day plus take home once and a while.
Beats stopping off at the bar and paying $5 bucks a beer....I know what some may think, how is that better?
I was unemployed and not making any money, so I now have something to do and get a little "beer payment" to satisfy my beer palate. Seems to work out for me.
And the future bonus is that the brewery is growing and will need part-time/full-time bodies within 3-4 months...and they already said I am in!!!
Works for me....plus I am getting beer!!!
I decided to become an intern at a local brewery...basically means that I am an unpaid lackey that is doing a bunch of cleaning and such. But I LOVE it!!!!
I prefer busting my butt to help with the bigger objective, and I do get some primo beer at the end of the day plus take home once and a while.
Beats stopping off at the bar and paying $5 bucks a beer....I know what some may think, how is that better?
I was unemployed and not making any money, so I now have something to do and get a little "beer payment" to satisfy my beer palate. Seems to work out for me.
And the future bonus is that the brewery is growing and will need part-time/full-time bodies within 3-4 months...and they already said I am in!!!
Works for me....plus I am getting beer!!!

That sounds awesome!