When things are good, normally you don't talk about it to jinx it.
On the opposite, if things are going not so good, we normally bitch about it.
Why? Are we hoping to keep the good but change the bad??
My life has been going good with the normal good and bad, and I just accept that. If I bitch or remain silent I really don't thing it affects anything.
As long as I have the means to have a cold beer and eat some good chow..plus chat and hang with some cool people...I'm the luckiest guy in the chair!!

Enjoy the 4th!!! Cheers!
On the opposite, if things are going not so good, we normally bitch about it.
Why? Are we hoping to keep the good but change the bad??
My life has been going good with the normal good and bad, and I just accept that. If I bitch or remain silent I really don't thing it affects anything.
As long as I have the means to have a cold beer and eat some good chow..plus chat and hang with some cool people...I'm the luckiest guy in the chair!!

Enjoy the 4th!!! Cheers!