It's been a short while since I didn't post anything here... I've been pretty busy mostly with my summer job.
It's been taking most of my time till mid July. I had to prepare the lessons for every day as it is the first time I am making this.
Now since a couple of week I have enough themes to do for the pupils and...
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Cesont des prunes..profites bien de tes vacances alors, c est le plus important...as tu pass un bon weekend?
ouais cetait super seattle j'y suis alle plusieurs fois au march c'est super sympa effectivement mais le mieu quand meme cetait la convention de tattoo hihihi
I had a crazy week!
And I wish many weeks would look like the same! Actually now, chance has turn to side with me and I'm delighted!
Do some of you remember when I posted that I failed my exam? ...
Well, actually there was a mistake and I received a letter last Monday telling me I finally PASSED and I'll be a trainee teacher...
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YEAH !!!! vache, c'est trop cool pour toi!! comme quoi c'est l'anne des bonnes nouvelles pour beaucoup de gens! biggrin
Have any of you heard of that band?


Does Daft Punk rings a bell to you?

Justice is about the same. They're French and it's pleasant to say that there finally is a good French band!
You can listen to their album on their site, and it's free!!!
JUSTICE web site :

Tell me what you think and if you don't have time to...
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en fait le truc c'est que je bossais pas sur mon bureau mais sur la table de la salle manger... donc j'tais oblige de pas trop laisser mon bordel!
c'est pas mal de faire prof FLE pour l't... si j'avais la fibre pour tre prof je le tenterai (surtout si tu bosses que 3 heures par jour!!!) mais a me dit vraiment rien. bonne semaine toi aussi, et bon stage!
Hey dude,
Good to hear from you kiss
Download Festival is a metal festival in the UK, its awesome!
That sucks you failed your exam, do you have to re-take it? I think i got my results in a month or so, i hate waiting! And i know what you mean about usual fun stuff being boring, i spend most my days on my DS, reading celebrity magazines or watching tv..i need a full time job!
Thats so cool your gunna be a teacher, where will you be doing that?
Just to send a post because not many new things happened to me recently since I failed my exam...
Looking forward to the month of July as I shall be starting my summer job of 'French foreign language' teacher.
Until that, I am wandering doing nothing or enjoying being a lazy man under the sun on warm sand at the beach. Well, I'm living by...
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Merci pour ton soutien, a fait toujours du bien. Et pour rpondre ta question, oui j'ai grand peur que sa dcision soit dfinitive... frown
Dsole pour tes exams, c'tait quoi? Tu vas retenter?
I failed my exam... end of the adventure, end of the pleasure...

What am I to do now...?
ohhhh frown
ca va ??
I was at a friend's bbq this week end.
I really had a great week end except that when we went into his pool, I found myself being deaf with all the water and I could change a thing.
I was in class yesterday but actually, I went there for nothing as I did not ear a single word of what the teacher was saying....
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merci pour ton commentaire sur mon tatoo ou fred il est trop bien comme tatoueur lol en plus il est gentil lol
salut toi !!
des nouvelles de tes concours? tes rsultats sont dispo quand?
de mon ct, je viens de rendre mon mmoire, et je dois m'atteler la prparation de la soutenance... pour l'instant je me laisse une paire de jours pour souffler. et en plus je suis malade !!
So my exam is finished at last..!
I don't know yet if I passed or if I did enough well to pass as the results will be 25th May.
The only thing I know is that I am a bit scared the mark I could get in French won't be good enough to make me pass. I am scared also I put too much information...
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tatoo nation ! jai un ami denfance qui perce la bas xavier c lui qui m'a perc le capuchon lol
passe un bon weekend toi aussi a bientot pttre kon se croisera sur monaco thabite dans quartier?
Dsole d'avoir mis autant de temps te rpondre. Je vais un peu mieux, mme si c'est pas la grosse pche! Mais merci de t'inquiter pour moi. Par contre, je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi, je ne trouve pas a cool de rester couche toute la journe, mais c'est certainement parce que a m'est arriv bien trop souvent skull
Menfin, en ce qui concerne Sarko et les manifs, j'ai grand peur que d'ici peu on n'est mme plus le droit de manifester. Je sens qu'on va bien rgresser dans ces 5 annes venir... puke
My exam starts tomorrow afternoon and will last until Friday...
The pressure is really increasing... skull skull skull
Shall post this week end how I feel after that...
Je t'envoie plein d'ondes positives !!! Tu vas y arriver !! Courage, tiens le coup, et merde!, comme on dit! wink
hey hey.... sorry to take so long to get back but thanks for the comments.... so far so good... i've had a couple of things come up that could potentially be good... but we'll see... hows things? good luck on u'r exam!!
Was out yesterday evening with a friend from uni.
Actually, I only knew him yesterday among all the people of the band. But I did not stay in my corner talking to no one. Actually, I like to meet new people, different people. This exchange of different characters and personality is such a pleasure.
I won't say I got more new friends again. It would...
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You could try uploading the photos to Photobucket or Flickr. They get smaller. I think. Try it! biggrin

It is a delight to meet new people. And to know people and share times and awful drunken discussions with them. Even if you don't actually like them that much, you don't really have to. It's just nice. Please excuse me, I think my brain is working slowly due to my mid-afternoon energy slump!
Good luck with your revision and exams and such.
skull 1 week to go before my exam...
the pressure is increasing... skull
i cross my fingers... wink
Shit always happens.............
I was going for a maths lesson downtown yesterday and it was pretty busy as it is always in Nice as they are building up the tramway and in South of France, everybody is taking is car to move.
I was in my lane stuck in the jam and a guy in a hurry who passed the continuous line got on my...
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Merci pour ces compliments, a me touche beaucoup... blush
Hey man,
My music law assignment is for uni, im in my last year-its sucks coz i actually dont care anymore! what do you do? Holy shit how do you do 8hrs of revision a day?! thats dedication man!
Yeh i spent my day on myspace, productive!x
M on my revision months............. surreal
concours is on may 3rd....................... deadline is approaching, the goal of a year and i am far from being up to date in my revisions..................... skull
Yeahhhh, so you have friends. Rub it in my face, why don't you. wink

Take a personal day. I'm sure you deserve it. Tell them you have the bad poops. Nobody can argue with that. biggrin
By 'rub it in my face' I meant make me feel worse about the fact that I don't have any friends, you know? But don't take it personally because I didn't. I knew you were just kidding because of the little winking smiley face you put after it.